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Dolly Llama

02/26/07 7:30 PM

#31749 RE: florist #31641

I agree she's behaving like a typical politician. I think what she needed to do was not worry about being called a flip/flopper and simply say that the Congress was lied to by Bush. There were no WMD's, and Bush knew it. Cheney used them as a manufactured excuse to go fight the war that he and the Neocons intended to fight all along. Instead now she's acting afraid to be called a flip/flopper or soft on terror, and she's refusing to repudiate her vote. Meanwhile 80% of the country knows the reasons for going to war were bogus, knows we are not going to win, and knows that we need to get out. So instead of repudiating her vote, she's tying herself to the mess. That makes Obama and Edwards look more attractive.

They're going to use the flip/flopper charge against anyone who runs against them, because it worked so well last time. The way to refute that charge is to point out that Bush has flip/flopped again and again. But where he really needed to flip/flop, i.e., on going to war, he remains stubborn and entrenched.