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10/31/23 11:00 AM

#644318 RE: newman2021 #644306

It is like all the super speeders are super speeding until one of them is caught; the laws are always written simple that a common can understand and designed that way: Spoofing Is Illegal. Period.

Spoofing is illegal but beyond that you are not correctly characterizing the law.

Laws are not always designed to be written in ways that common people can understand, at least not the laws in the United States.

Common people use the term ‘legalese’ to describe the language in which laws, regulations, court documents and legal documents are written precisely because they have great difficulty understanding the law, if they can manage to understand it at all.

To make matters worse, the United States has three levels of government (federal, state and local), numerous jurisdictions, and multiple sources of law including but probably not limited to, court decisions, statutes and administrative regulations.

With limited exceptions, common people, have at best, some knowledge of constitutional law from social studies classes in high school and some (distorted) knowledge of criminal law, from news, infotainment and entertainment in the media.

Common people typically have no education in tort law or contract law unless they end up with direct experience or they train in the relevant laws in college. They are likewise ill-equipped to understand or keep up with administrative regulations unless they seek out training or have direct experience.


10/31/23 11:14 AM

#644324 RE: newman2021 #644306

So 2024 not looking as sunny for Kenny Boy?

Maybe he’ll have to send his staff to the Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park, which is a strong contender for the title World's Worst Amusement Park.