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10/19/23 7:35 PM

#188748 RE: MAGA_PATRIOT #188746

It's odd the way these guys operate they do things...say things and then leave you hanging...I' sure 2020 will have me a smart azz comment....LOL
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10/19/23 7:37 PM

#188749 RE: MAGA_PATRIOT #188746

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10/20/23 3:12 AM

#188759 RE: MAGA_PATRIOT #188746

They haven’t been clear on many things that SEC reporting would have required them to be. I can think of no other reason Charles held back from the longtime carrot dangled “promise” to shareholders of audit then uplist and SEC reporting than so he could continue to be vague and keep things secret.

We’re getting close to November and still no Africa updates. I fully expect at this point that ITV-1 in Africa will go the same way IPF did. A big shitshow followed by no revenue reported. Remember the days of “4 revenue generating products by the end of 2022” and “27 retailers”?

The SAGA deal is either going to be dead if it doesn’t get the extension votes, and if it does get the extension votes I fully expect we will be waiting most of those 12 months for them to get their shit in order so the deal can close. The de spac (unlike pumpers want you to believe) cannot be progressing because nothing can happen without the extension vote and SAGA getting nearly a year of filings in order, audited and then also resolving the NASDAQ delist warning issues. Then ENZC is also going to have to have themselves fully audited and up to date. Based on the track record here I would guess that this SAGA deal is minimum 6 months off and more likely beyond that. And only at that point do we even get to the start of the 6 month make whole window. So add 6 months to when we’d even see the dividend. This has been pushed so far out I really don’t even care anymore and just want to move on. I’m not selling at these prices, so it’s basically being trapped for the time being. I would love to wake up one of these days to buyout / sale news even if it only got us long like .20-.25 cents per share. I’d actually be satisfied with that at this point with how poorly this has been run and still seeing nothing even in clinical trials yet, let alone to market.