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janice shell

10/14/23 7:24 PM

#103914 RE: Susie924 #103905

Don't forget: SNL is new tonight...


10/15/23 12:21 PM

#103936 RE: Susie924 #103905

Part of that reporting by ProPublica noted Leonard Leo connection to the Catholic Information Center in D.C. and in particular Opus Dei, another so called "Christian" organization feeding the funds to the GOP and heavily influence the selection of Republican federal court judges.

This is the same operation I write about in American Kompromat that ties together the right-wing authoritarian of the Federalist Society to the equally authoritarian and secretive right-wing Catholic prelature, Opus Dei, - Craig Unger

The amount of dark money behind them? $250 million per Washington Post.

Behind the dark-money web that put Barrett (and Kavanaugh and Gorsuch) on the Supreme Court
Neil and Ann Corkery have a mission: Load up the judicial branch with right-wing Catholics. It's definitely working
Staff Writer

Separation of church and state, democracy, women's rights or even human rights are not a thing with these people. Opus Dei and other similar conservative religious right organizations like the Legion of Christ have policies that target girls as young as 12 around the world. Promising education, but reports in reality indenture or enslave them. Education consisting of teaching them to cook, clean, and household chores working 12 hour days without breaks, with some trafficked off the books, unregistered with social security systems to other countries.

Sample article about the abuse;

Women in Argentina claim labor exploitation by Opus Dei
Published 8:18 AM MDT, November 12, 2021

This is the core and backing of the Republican Party, and one the greatest threat to our country and democracy as we know it.