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10/13/23 10:30 PM

#188340 RE: MrSnookSmith #188321

That is it they can't when facts are facts . We show posting the company puts out , but they all don't put out a pure fact supported fact , just that we dont like the time frame is.Yet all the long time holders are still here just asking a simple question of their Enzolytics statements and now we get pushed into another year but they cant support why ?
Yet they will tell you they have science that has been proven, Lets look at it without your unicorn glasses BP sees the results on a cure is out there, ( still unproven results are positive but not in a completed trial, if so show it and then ask why are we doing another if is is proven already ). 100B is the value, we will loose everything on a golden ticket on just a therapy which many companies are in all currently . ZOOM out board meeting we will buy for 50B and we will shelf it and we will keep making money. Please tell me that the BS show we are seeing now that any CEO COO CFO on the OTC says nah we want to go thru with this 450m SPAC and get the cure to market. It will then be a fiduciary issue at that point no arguement can be made it is a public traded company, and if you say you are invested and that happens you are okay with it you are full of BS. If so please explain how it isn't and why you would be okay with it?

They would not be on any trading market not to make money. If you denial this why are you here? we all want to see a cure but if an offer is on the table in a crazy amount a company cant in good faith of the shareholders say no. That is a legal issue period.
The ignore button is there for everyone to use, after what we see as a resonse it is up to you who you keep seeing on this board.