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10/12/23 2:16 PM

#327570 RE: Poo28 #327565

Poopy Pants stinking up the board with her nonsense again!

Why are you scared of 3Flight after he exposed written threats from Linda?

How many posters were told by you that I was 3Flight in your "secret" chat room?

I'm still waiting for public acknowledgement that you LIED to everyone about that (among other things)!


10/12/23 3:19 PM

#327582 RE: Poo28 #327565

Once AGAIN....your "facts" are irrelevant as to how DBMM is performing NOW! ALL that CRAP means nothing. It allows DBMM to sell shares to DREAMERS and THAT is ALL you have accomplished PooLinda! Meanwhile, after almost a year of trading normally? DBMM SITS IN THE CRAPPER!

AGAIN, you quote a revenue figure with pride. Are you JUST as prideful of the bottom line in 2018? Shall we present the FACTS....the other side of that wonderful revenue figure??? Let's, shall we??

Cost to make that revenue was $428,548!

The rest of the "operating expenses" for that year was $502,770!

Let's see now..... cost of sales and operating expenses total $931,318! Now let's subtract those expenses from the revenue, shall we??

$-931,318 expenses
$536,501 revenue

Add the interest expenses of $61,593 and you have a whopping $456,410 LOSS for the year. And that was DBMM's highest revenue year??? WOW. Their expenses were ALMOST TWICE as much as they made in revenue that year.

Great example there PooLinda!


10/13/23 11:33 AM

#327640 RE: Poo28 #327565

As you keep saying, 'shareholders know how to read filings'.

Too bad management doesnt.