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10/11/23 10:37 AM

#207964 RE: rocketeer357 #207960

Too be fair I don't know how much scherzer would be an upgrade on the current rotation of the rangers, I feel the mets got a really good deal with trading him, because not only is he showing the starts of really breaking down, but when he does pitch he is starting to pitch like a #3, not a #1. But degromm at his best, granted if you blink you miss it now because he is always injured, is a huge loss. Degromm started having problems when he unlocked more velocity. I think if he would of continued to throw 94-97 with his fastball instead of throwing 98-101, I think his arm would of held up better. Was he as dominant as CY young Jake, maybe not, but he was really good, and still an ace, and guess what he would make his starts back than. Just my opinion of course. Admittingly could be completely wrong, but as he started throwing harder, the injuries occured in my opinion.