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10/09/23 1:53 PM

#770437 RE: navycmdr #770430

Boom, the IG hit hard. Sad, sad truth exposed, GSEs do not meet regulatory capital requirements. FHFA MUST SUPERVISE THEM!!! ;-) ANOTHER DECADE OF SUPERVISED CONSERVATORSHIP.


10/09/23 2:08 PM

#770439 RE: navycmdr #770430

Letter I emailed to OIG FHFA

As a shareholder, I’ve really had it that I have had to suffer so much pain and financial hardship since Fannie and Freddie were put under conservatorship. In print, we were told it was to be temporary but we’re now going on 15 years under this CORRUPTION. I’m sure many shareholders agree that CORRUPTION thrives in the administration of Fannie and Freddie.

They called me the next day with's what i told him;
The FHFA OIG's office called me on the phone the next day after I made the above complaint on their website and asked me why I think there is CORRUPTION in the FHFA...I told him there are two things: 1) we (shareholders) were told in print that the conservatorship was to be "temporary" but 15 years have passed, enough time, i told him, to impliedly conclude that there IS some kind of corruption in the agency, and 2) it is also CORRUPT because of the way the Director funnels money for pet projects, like affordable housing, diversity programs, appraisal restructuring, etc. and NOT on concentrating on making Fannie and Freddie "sound and solvent,": as it is laid out in the conservatorship goals.

He took copious notes, and said they would be back to me within two weeks.

then I got this reply back from the FHFA Office OF Inspector General:

Dear Mr. TightCoil
The Federal Housing Finance Agency- Office of Inspector General (FHFA-OIG) received your
communication on September 27, 2023.

FHFA-OIG takes seriously all information provided to us, and we vigorously pursue those
persons or entities, whether inside or outside of government, who waste, steal, or abuse
government monies or resources in connection with programs and operations of FHFA, Fannie
Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Bank System. The information you have provided will be reviewed carefully and may be recommended for action as appropriate.

Phone: 1-800-793-7724|Fax: 202-318-0358


10/09/23 2:47 PM

#770444 RE: navycmdr #770430

Without Lamberth's final verdict, which will be postponed until never-never day, practically no jury decision has been made. It was all just a bad dream for the FHFA ;-)

Inspector General makes ZERO mention of the UNANIMOUS 8-0 JURY TRIAL Verdict AGAINST the FHFA & TREASURY !


10/09/23 4:51 PM

#770452 RE: navycmdr #770430

Another lying govrat sack of sh*t. Where does this pos get 400B, love the numbers being thrown up in the air and no one questioning the fat finger math.


10/09/23 7:23 PM

#770460 RE: navycmdr #770430

FUNK the FHFA inspector general

What circular logic --- oops to nice a word

Wise Man

10/10/23 3:07 AM

#770467 RE: navycmdr #770430

No one should have the perception that will ever get $1 out of FnF while they remain undercapitalized

, I posted on this comment explaining the statutory provisions that restrict this payment of Securities Litigation judgment with all detail, as part of was called on Sunday "epitome of corruption":

"Lamberth rebate" is fraud in every aspect you can think of. From an illegal Class Action with the absence of the FNMA holders, the fiction of "implied contract", disregard of the laws, phony economic harm, etc. and epitome of corruption, as the payment of Securities Litigation judgments sought, is restricted in the same statutory provision that they've covered up from the onset, that also bars the dividends and today's gifted SPS, and whose exceptions are the grounds of the Separate Account plan:
-Reduce the SPS: U.S. Code §4614(e)
-Recapitalization: CFR 1237.12

Yet, Navy Hedge Fund, following orders, complains about:

Inspector General makes ZERO mention of the UNANIMOUS


Unaware that it was the very FHFA that requested to defer entering Judgment because the payment sought is restricted. Though it was an oral motion, so the reason isn't made public, which confirms the obscurantism of this Federal Agency in all its actions, evidence in itself of the Separate Account plan.

A verdict without a judge's judgment or court order, is worthless. Primarily, because the judge can enter a "judgment notwithstanding the verdict" (JNOV), in favor of the Defendant.
Let me be more clear. No one can even opine about the verdict until the day it takes effect with the judgment.
Once again, navy showing lack of understanding of FnF matters.
Playing the fool is not an option (coverups, twists, etc.). It's fraud (lying for profit)