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09/27/23 4:22 PM

#716614 RE: boarddork #716613

They fought Alice tooth and nail over asset ownership and you honestly believe they are just going to tell you? at least be a little bit real. I would take at minimum litigation and then I still say they will not divulge but go ahead and try.


Boris the Spider

09/28/23 12:01 AM

#716640 RE: boarddork #716613

boarddork, good luck getting them to answer that one!

"We need to demand from COOP at the next shareholder meeting, Who is COOP's Direct (xxxx) and Ultimate (XXXX) Parent !! Investors have a legal right to know who is pulling strings that can affect their investment. It is dishonest to pump half truths about COOP, because COOP is just a puppet."

Either they will be say they are unable to disclose what is considered private company matters like ownership (Ha!), or there will be an announcement before the meeting at some point to disclose it, knowing someone now will ask the question.

We are not dealing with an ethical company here folks.
Remember what Delgado said many yrs ago: He "spoke to WAMU people in the know and they said there would be no distributions to the escrow holders."
Well, he got fired from his investor relations position shortly thereafter.


09/28/23 7:03 AM

#716645 RE: boarddork #716613

yes Boarddork , these are comparable to the times of AL CAPONE, being in the NADAQ market, an investor when he wants to invest, wants to know in whose hands he is giving his money.
If the COOP is just a masckerada, a fake, a company that is not transparent, it is already with the beginning of the shop, at least suspicious,
why WMIH does not want to be transparent, every investor must be aware where and in which hands he gives his money.
No I cannot understand what the so called big mum of the daughter WMIH has planned, WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? Is it all legal? NO I DON'T BELIEVE.
AL CAPONE IS LAUGHING under the cut.
We only have EXCROW , that is why I am here in the forum , otherwise I would be elsewhere .
This mysterious case , was built to fool the old investors , fortunately we gallop on the tail of the masters .
I just thought out loud.