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09/27/23 11:43 AM

#433017 RE: bas2020 #433009

The act of selling your shares makes you no better than the people who you rant against every day on this board. You are also contributing to the share price decline and profiting from it, just like the shorts.

This is particularly the case when you sell shares after a short attack, but at the same time continue to post all the reasons why Anavex is a great company.

Traders trade. It's what they do and I have nothing against it as long as they're transparent. No company is perfect which means there is a short thesis for every publicly traded company -- some cases may be stronger than others, but this is why I don't criticize shorts if they're rooted in fact. Investor and Doc may have their own motives for wanting a low share price for now, but there's nothing wrong with them pointing out Anavex's weaknesses. People like Adam Feuerstein who just spew pure and obvious bulls**t on the other hand, deserve a special place in hell, but I don't see that from too many on this message board because I've ignored those who do.

But please don't act like there is a moral high ground when you are taking part and profiting from the same system you're railing against. That's the purest definition of hypocrisy. Taking profits is never a bad idea. I strongly encourage it. But selling shares into a short attack and not being transparent about it until after the fact weakens your position that you're somehow superior to the "collusive cabal" because you're taking part in the same game they're playing at the expense of those who are more fearful or less experienced with investing.