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09/27/23 10:28 AM

#635505 RE: reg2015 #635481

without some kink of news, we could falling for a long time.

Calm down.

Probably ran a little too much pre-submission. I predicted mid-$0.80's by submission back when they released the "intent to submit" PR. I think running to a dollar was a bit preemptive. Settling back in the $0.80's is fine. I'm sure if I told you on August 29 (share price was $0.50) that'd we'd be at $0.90 in less than a month you'd be ecstatic.

Either way, it's silly to think it will "keep falling for a long time" at this point. Again, we still are not in NWBO's published window for submission. Starting tomorrow, there is strong reason to believe we get a submission PR any time in the next two weeks. That's a great timeline, and that PR will start the next leg up.

Now, if NWBO somehow whiffs on this timeline and doesn't give an update by mid-October, then we can start to panic. But I cannot fathom Linda Powers, or any human on Earth, is that incompetent. After being so terrified of issuing a timeline for three years, I just cannot imagine a scenario where she finally gives one a mere month out and misses it.

So again, just ride the next two weeks with no worries. We can re-evaluate our panic and anger on Oct 16th if we're still in the dark.