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09/23/23 1:47 AM

#716349 RE: Boris the Spider #716344

How many lawsuits are left? According to that FDIC report link that I provided, it looks like the annual settlement amount is slowing down. There has been a total recovery of $10B since 2012...Do you have a link to a big pending lawsuit? Any link that suggests they are suing for $400B in remaining lawsuits?

Actually, I dont expect anything from the lawsuits. I just want the receivership to close so that there aren't any impediments for bk remote assets (aka loan residuals) to release. I think this is the $86B valuation that Dr. A was referring to.

Royal Dude

09/23/23 12:52 PM

#716362 RE: Boris the Spider #716344

You can't comment on what you can't see, This feels like the end of process for Libor with our Naomi in the NYSD. May we get Bucket 1 soon. we are already invested in Bucket 2 for the long term. Open up the attachments to see who are involved

1:11-cv-02613-NRB; granting (3744) Letter Motion for Extension of Time in case 1:11-md-02262-NRB. Application granted. So ordered. (Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 9/22/2023) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:11-md-02262-NRB, 1:11-cv-02613-NRB.

Set/Reset Deadlines: Responses due by 9/28/2023 Replies due by 10/12/2023. Associated Cases: 1:11-md-02262-NRB, 1:11-cv-02613-NRB (Text entry; no document attached.)

LETTER MOTION for Extension of Time addressed to Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald from Christopher Lovell and David E. Kovel dated September 21, 2023. Document filed by Atlantic Trading USA, LLC, FTC Futures Fund PCC Ltd, FTC Futures Fund SICAV, Nathaniel Haynes, Metzler Investment GmbH.Filed In Associated Cases: 1:11-md-02262-NRB, 1:11-cv-02613-NRB.

ORDER granting [3740] Letter Motion to Seal. Application granted. (Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 9/21/2023)

LETTER MOTION for Conference re: [3741] LETTER MOTION for Conference re: [3740] LETTER MOTION to Seal Defendant UBS AG's pre-motion letter seeking entry of protective order addressed to Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald from Jefferson E. Bell dated September 20, 2023. / Defe addressed to Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald from Jefferson E. Bell dated September 20, 2023. Document filed by UBS AG.

7 Attachments ?

3743.ORDER granting [3740] Letter Motion to Seal. Application granted. (Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 9/21/2023)