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Robert from yahoo bd

09/21/23 8:04 AM

#768896 RE: LuLeVan #768891

I think Susan Wachter and the MBA, NAR, and NAHB are concerned that the CFPB Case SCOTUS ruling in June 2024 would POTENTIALLY get rid of the Qualified Mortgage Requirements as promulgated and regulated and I believe required by the Dodd Frank Act by the CFPB.

Recall that the QM Rule basically says that the Mortgagor must be able to be pay back the Mortgage when underwritten, that the Mortgage Originator must document that thoroughly in the loan file, AND the Originating Lender will have to BUY BACK THE LOAN if they don't. This was the primary cause of the Great Financial Crisis.

Just read the Amicus Brief of the MBA, NAR, and NAHB.

TABLE OF AUTHORITIES ..................................... ii
INTEREST OF AMICI CURIAE.............................. 1
ARGUMENT....................................................... 2
ARGUMENT ............................................................. 5
I. Ruling In A Manner That Calls Into
Question All Of The CFPB’s Rules Could
Destabilize The Mortgage Market..................... 5
II. If Ruling For Respondents, The Court
Should Take Steps To Limit The Scope
And The Adverse Consequences Of Such A
Ruling................................................................ 16
A. This Court should sever the offending
provisions from the funding statute........... 16
B. This Court also should grant de facto
validity to the CFPB’s past actions not
challenged here. .......................................... 19
CONCLUSION........................................................ 23
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09/21/23 11:19 AM

#768922 RE: LuLeVan #768891

Susan knows that USG officials coerced the GSEs to buy subprime and Alt A mortgages and she knows that screwed the GSE shareholders who have lost billions including the JPS shareholders who bought JPS at $ 25 after the NEC started to execute its Nationalization Plan with the leaked Barron's article in March of 2008.

Susan should come clean and tell us which USG officials coerced the GSEs before she stuffs the taxpayers with a FHA controlled housing sector that ultimately will stuff US taxpayers with credit losses and a lost AAA Sovreign credit rating.

Who coerced the GSEs to buy the subprime mortgages Susan? You told the FCIC interviewers - now is the time to come clean.

See the last few minutes of the 59:27 tape, She goes into her background around minute 54 and then talks about HUD and the CRA program under Cisneros - the last dialogue was that she would tell the interviewers which USG regulators stuffed the GSEs if they shut off the tape.

FCIC - "What if we turn off the tape? - can you tell us of the record?" Wachter " Sure" FCIC - "I am going to turn it off"