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09/13/23 4:30 PM

#452294 RE: livefree_ordie #452281

Are you in this group picture ???


09/13/23 4:31 PM

#452295 RE: livefree_ordie #452281

Please child. Conspiracy theory crap that wouldn't fool anyone with an IQ number above room temp.

Overall, we rate Western Journal Right Biased and Questionable based on story selection and editorial opinions that strongly favor the right and numerous failed fact checks. (10/15/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 06/10/2022)

Analysis / Bias

The Western Journal is a news and opinion website with a story selection that always favors the right and is negative toward the left. There is the frequent use of moderately loaded language in headlines such as this: The Clinton State Department’s Major Security Breach That Everyone Is Ignoring. The Western Journal typically sources its information from credible media outlets, though story selection and wording usually spin information favorably to the right. They have also failed several fact checks.

Finally, during the 2020 Presidential election, they have promoted misinformation. They also consistently promote misinformation regarding Covid-19 and vaccines. See failed fact check below.

Failed Fact Checks

Did the Boy Scouts Lose 425,000 Members Because of a Gender-Inclusive Name Change? – Unproven
“Media Hysteria: Climate Change’ Heat Records’ Are a Huge Data Manipulation” – False
“Pelosi Sinks to New Low, Tells Dems: If You Have to Lie to Voters to Win, Do It,” – False
Is California considering legislation that would ban the Bible? – False
A Misleading Take on Immigrant, Veterans Health Care – False
With Only 9 Days To Go Before Election, Biden Calls Another Lid While Trump Is Securing Peace in the Middle East – False
Did six people in Pennsylvania die and then register and vote in the 2020 election? – No evidence
45,000 people died from COVID-19 vaccines – No Evidence
a “game-changing study” showed that “COVID vaccines [were] more dangerous than the virus itself”; “children aged 12 to 17 are more likely to be hospitalized for myocarditis than for COVID.” – Inaccurate
Geotracking is the only evidence being used by the Justice Department to place January 6, 2020, defendants inside the U.S. Capitol. – False


09/13/23 8:56 PM

#452344 RE: livefree_ordie #452281

First off you seem to be a little muddled on your thinking that masks don't help. It could be because you have no idea how some infectious diseases spread including Covid-19. Do they stop everything - of course no. But they are certainly better than nothing and the better quality mask the better protection. This is rather simple logical reasoning that does not require much IQ to figure out.

As for the rest of your illogic about gain of function research - when the credible sources come up with evidence then I'll have an opinion. Right now you're tilting at windmills.


09/14/23 4:30 AM

#452356 RE: livefree_ordie #452281

livefree_ordie, Again your personal comment is a mishmash of error, wrong and ignorance. Firstly, yet again, your misrepresentation of this board:

"So not really sure what you do for your news here but again this board likes the news it agrees with all the time..."

That is, yet again, simply projection on your part. See:

- The Wuhan Lab and the Gain-of-Function Disagreement
May 2021 -
.. in reply to that ..
The repeated claim that Fauci lied to Congress about ‘gain-of-function’ research
March, 2023 -

There is much more accurate informed information in those two articles (and in other posts around them) than in the agenda-driven content of your post.

Noted also both the articles in your post, the Murdoch (says it all) NY Post and that effort from the far-far-right rag The Western Journal are dated 2021, the post directly above is much more up-to-date. It is clearly also much more balanced, in that it offers disagreement among considered experts in the field. Read it. If honest you cannot but agree.

Secondly your personal comment gives very unwelcome (we have banned one poster in particular for repeatedly
posting covid mitigation misinformation) misinformation regarding masks mitigation effect and covid. So don't.

"But besides telling us all masks help and now knowing that they have zero affect for these viruses..."

See any number of posts on the board on that asinine comment of yours there. A couple:

[...]... 8 COVID-19 Face Mask Myths, Debunked
[...]Myth 2: Cloth masks are useless
P - Though a cloth covering alone may not completely prevent someone from spreading the coronavirus, it still reduces the likelihood. If a cloth mask is all you have, it can still work as a physical barrier by absorbing respiratory droplets that carry the coronavirus.
P - "Any mask is better than no mask," CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said at a COVID-19 briefing. Her agency recommends well-fitted masks, which can include multiple layers of cloth masks.
[That from Walensky would seem to be common sense to more people than not.]
Still, the most protective masks are N95 respirators...
With more, May 2022 -

High speed camera captures how different types of face masks work
Yesterday -

Then, in your personal comment, came your your misinformation as to "gain of function" which you before now should have expected we obviously would have covered more comprehensively than you would ever contemplate doing for yourself. See above.

" is some items below you perhaps did not know about. Gain of function research lying to congress"

Any lies to congress only came from your side of politics.

"...and then one month later the NIH affirming that was in fact the case, you must have missed those items hey. Alot out there for you to read if one has the time and from multiple sources so please do not take my word on it these just simply exist in our world as is."

No, after reading the info up top you now know there is profound disagreement on whether or not the NIH even financed gain of function at Wuhan, let alone affirming it as you incorrectly stated there. Further why would you first say we may have missed it and then in the same breath almost say "we must have missed them." You let your thoughts run away with you.

Finally your

"Not sure where you have been over these past years this is all old news except the latest from the CIA
payments to folks to change their tune on their decisions over creation of this virus via whistleblower testimony.

is no more than ignorant conspiracist gobbledygook. You believe you know better than experts, perhaps because you believe you are particularly unique. Perhaps you are one of the lizard people, yet you don't even know it yourself .. .

Cool it. Consider.