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09/08/23 3:02 PM

#123649 RE: InvestorinAZ #123633

Your fulla crap. An engineering degree in no way enables you to understand these patents. You didn't even state what type of engineering so your likely full of baloney about that too. I'm well educated myself but no details because everything one says gets twisted here. I've been into electronics for approx 30 yrs and I read as much of the patents as I could wrap my head around. I knew what the components and actions were, as the process describes and my impression was it was a lot of gobbledegook, but I am not even remotely qualified to comprehend those patents. You would not only have to be a full on electrical engineer as opposed to a mechanical engineer but that alone would not be enough to fully fathom these particular patents as they are written so complicated and so much redundancy that is what made me wonder about them. But to be perfectly clear, I couldn't even begin to decipher them and make no claim to. Rather, I have posted my reasons, which are indirect, for why I think they are bogus. My conclusions in that regard came about from inference. I've explained that but you're too busy quickly forgetting and overruling yourself as to namecalling (that lasted for what, 5 seconds? And abusive language. Hey, that's just you, I get it. Funny how certain peeps, when their ideas or conclusions are taken to task, automatically revert into personal attacking. Lack of intellectual ammo would be my guess, bwtfdik? And as far as constantly attacking the length of my posts, you seem to be compelled, as are the others, to read every single word. Funny that...
There's more to respond to but I don't want you to hurt your eyes, so I'll give you a break in between.


09/08/23 3:29 PM

#123661 RE: InvestorinAZ #123633

To continue...

1st, your mention of caps, etc is pedantic. Get over it. You running a bit thin there esp in contrast to my fact filled in depth posts. You should quit while you think you're ahead but you spellbound and have no control over negativity while processing I'll try to be understanding.

To finish my point about the abilities needed to truly decipher the patents, which you obviously don't have....

I've pointed out many times that according to the great Emu, he raised and spent some $18 million on some 20-25 voip telephony engineer and code writers to create the patents. Here's some more caps for you as I know how they hurt your delicate ears (hint: they're only letters on a screen, lol, get a grip), THAT RIGHT THERE TELLS ME VERY VERY CLEARLY........THAT IF IT TOOK THST MUCH MONEY AND THAT NUMBER OF VOIP ENGINEERS, AIN'T NO WAY IN HELL THAT YOU, ME, YOUR FRIEND (in all likelihood), AND ANYONE ELSE ON THIS BOARD IS EQUAL AND UP TO THE TASK OF FULLY DECIPHERING THESE PATENTS. ANNNNNNNND...........EVEN IF THEY (are your ears hurting, ok here ya go..) were, that still is not enough to determine efficacy, workability, compatibility, annnnnnnnnnnd....................then also do the same to ea and every source code of the ea and every feature offered by the defendants which allegedly infringe. So now you can go right ahead and call that well covered assessment by me, word salad and/or whatever else you might come up with, but what it actually is, is knowledge and a covering of the bases in a most thorough way. Sorry, you can't handle the truth...
I'll give you extra time now before I cover the rest of your post, to absorb. It's fat soluble, so not as easily absorbed. One last thing in this post.....try to keep in mind that I have not said the patents are undeniably bogus. I'm not remotely qualified. But believe that time will reveal it to be so and I believe that via INFERENCE of other facts that I DO know about.


09/08/23 4:20 PM

#123674 RE: InvestorinAZ #123633 I finally get it, that it's a moot waste of time exchanging viewpoints with you even aside from the abusive nature and name-calling and ornery-ness. I've quite clearly and concisely explained and described what patent validity means and you show that you totally ignore it (which I guess defines ignorance..). You either do that on purpose or are actually that deft. I don't know which but I'm done with the wasted time.

Engineering degree indeed, lol

Have a nice day with your next victim (and I hope you never realize what patent validity means because it would take away some of the much cherished entertainment value I so enjoy here. It allowed me to "cut the cord". So there's that if nothing else.
