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09/08/23 11:54 AM

#629289 RE: monentum2play #629273

Big DUH to ANY shr holder whether new or OLD

that went thru this: ABSENTIA/DEMENTIA/Alzheimer’s

OR certifying the critical PRESS RELEASE IN 2016

had/has NO relevance until HyperOpia demoed!

AND DOCUMENTED many times a reminder of what goes on DAILY here::

Re: hoffmann6383 post# 510697
Sunday, September 04, 2022 9:58:05 AM
Post# of 629287
For a much needed timely reversal, for the GREATER GOOD, my sense (previously posted) that this (Partnership deal with specific terms) will give Marquee attention when that party does with the consent of CEO Linda Powers & Bd of Directors does the following:
1) Takes a significant equity position (perhaps behind the curtain there has been a Silent Auction of sorts?) at well above what the marketplace thinks AND
2)Gives upfront significant cash sums to fund the beginning of an immuno -oncolgy clinical(S?)
3)Perhaps, as I posted many yearS ago, this may finally evolve like Genentech which some have only recently posted.

BOTH 1) & 2)to satisfy UPLISTING, and dispensing with yearS of marketplace apprehension re another reverse split which I addressed MANY years ago to finally put an end to this Long Term 3 Ring Circus!

BEFORE the above takes place:

First and FOREMOST: Publication of Peer Review on DC VAX L

The above is most logical long term evolution of this truly EPIC saga! ALL of which required the NWBO team overcoming MONUMENTAL obstacles to date on a myriad of fronts!

Our day should be upon us: certainly before Xmas when

A going to the Moon valuation takes place.

A long awaited NEW Life Chapter for NWBO BEGINS!

Have never had to revise my expressed views, which many still fail to own up to: lotS have LOST or have unrealized losses whereas I since 2015 have realized significant gains.

Only allowed ONE post per day for INFINITY

Life is what YOU make of it:
IRRESPECTIVE of the circumstances PERIOD.


09/04/22 12:42 PM
#511018 RE: maverick_1 #510995
good stuff. thanks mav!

09/04/22 12:48 PM
#511023 RE: maverick_1 #510995
I believe that you are right on the money Mav, we all just need to be patient and wait for things to happen.


11/19/22 9:09 AM
#535460 RE: maverick_1 #510995
"For a much needed timely reversal, for the GREATER GOOD, my sense (previously posted) that behind the thick curtains :
Partnership deal(S) with specific terms: IE:
1) Joint partnership clinical trials were? negotiated predicated upon Positive peer reviewed Journal publication.
(Big Pharma with their thousands of CheckPoint Inhibitor Clinical Trials do NEED the much higher response rates which NWBO's technology platform provides:

FUNDING, CASH Infusion and

likely significant equity interest in NWBO at well above Market Prices that

will give Marquee attention and CREDIBILITY VALIDATION to maligned NWBO when that party does with the consent of CEO Linda Powers & Bd of Directors does the ABOVE:

The above will avoid a threaded, since 2018: Reverse Stock Split, which I never harboured, posted accordingly..... in my reading between the lines of The Grand Strategist CEO Linda Powers who HAS pulled many LARGE Rabbits out of broken Hats since 2018! for all the solely scientific ones based here .

AND should the above transpire:

Presages for UPLISTING!

AND for other Biotech Investors I updated this today which I believe you may find interesting:

NASA: We are ready for LIFTOFF!

Since Fall of 2019:
Limited to ONE NWBO post daily: Can't reply.
The reason should be apparent to the cognesti to!


This has been like the hordeS of “follower/owners” whose

SELF INFLICTIONS have been evident since day ONE here:
Too embarrassing or shameful to admit publicly!

INSTEAD ALL they post is BLAME GAME psychology

Joined by the MADDENING CROWD of “Trumpism types”

So since 2015 that has been the EXTRA COLLATERAL DAMAGES

SHOULDERED by CEO Linda F. Powers!

All one has to look at is NWBO’s CEO Linda Powers MONUMENTAL REALIZED Long Term GAINS in Cognate BioServices and obviously that of Sawston: LONG TERM VISIONARY along with the necessary legal prowess to protect what she has uncovered from that of vultures whether Big Pharma or ILLegal Market Manipulating Naked Shorts using various tools from their Weapons of Mass Destruction wanting NWBO’s carcass in the last few years. STATED in Mid 2019 but Identified & posted in 2015

The above CONCLUSIVELY demonstrates NOBODY here or Yahoo etc listened to deep demonstrated professional FRONTLINE EXPERIENCE vs NOISE on media’s such as this:
forget about LOGIC It is for way too many A POPULARITY CONTEST!

At this LATE STAGE very easy to see those on the DEVASTATING wrong side of the cratering NWBO & hundreds of OTHERS that experienced the SAME are doing a REVERSAL to try to undo?

their Irreparable damage to get back to some limelight: very OBVIOUS to those who may have those abilities which has not been seen since 2014-2015 in the biggest historical bull stock market.

Only when one gets it RIGHT with DOCUMENTATION & LOGIC vs HERE SAY on the first try with RESULTS does it matter!

The only saving grace is that of the RELENTLESS, UNSTOPPABLE, BACKSTOPPING, INSCRUTABLE CEO Linda F. PowerS with her team and that of 3 other FEMME PHENOMS (+ 4th: ASIA) against The World:

TITANIC SPOOFING defendants assisted by COLLUSION by entrenched Wall St establishment, Novocure & BIG RX AND having to CHANGE INDUSTRY REGULATORY GUIDELINES

for the New Era of Personalized EFFICACIOUS & SAFE Immuno Oncology to deal with both Operable & INoperable Solid Tumors


FACT: There was NO Monentum2play, just more damages for others
unable to DISCERN.

Since 2007 momentum2Play…. ALL craters

A KEY BOOK CHAPTER , MBA business school CASE study,
MOVIE highlighting INTERNAL Shareholder dissension



09/08/23 11:56 AM

#629290 RE: monentum2play #629273

What you are saying that delisting was voluntary, not forced by Nasdaq. So rejoining would be easier to do.

Uhm, I have no idea what he is saying but the actual story is a bit different.

NWBO had been subject to 3 separate delisting notices in 2016.

April 26. Failure to allow sharehodlers to vote on a 20% share issuance
This is was resolved when under pressure from both Nasdaq and lawsuits LP reversed the deal. NASAQ accepted that and the matter was closed

June 24. Failure to maintain a $1 bid
NWBO announced they were planning to implement a R/S if needed.

Nov 14. A different failure to comply with governance rules on requiring votes for sales of more than 20% of stock
This was based on the steady stream of finances that added up to over 20%. NWBO tried to resolve this and NASDAQ did not accept that.

To say it was voluntary is like the old joke. "You can't fire me, I quit".

As some additional flavor. NWBO was delisted by the NASDAQ on a different occasion. that is a fact. And NWBO governance issues over the last 5 years would have had many reasons for the NASDAQ to delist them