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09/07/23 11:55 AM

#107326 RE: santafe2 #107324

That is true, just a political spin of numbers from the Dem side, but no matter how one looks at the reality of numbers, generally and overall Dem administrations have done better numbers fixing or increasing the GOP caused numbers on the American worker. Now the Covid effects were pretty major alone by itself, but were made much worse by tfg team and GOP Covid and Mitigation War politics. That may be ot politics, but I argue that it had and has a lasting on topic economic effect. Some of which will be coming back to bite us in the future.

By the way;

Health-Insurance Costs Are Taking Biggest Jumps in Years
Employers and workers are expected to see an increase of about 6.5% or higher in health-plan costs next year
By Anna Wilde Mathews
Sept. 7, 2023 5:30 am ET