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Replies to #911 on Alternative Path


09/01/23 11:22 AM

#912 RE: joyceschoice #911

Thank You! Did you finally get the information that was easily available? you know the polls, the prospect of trump winning it all. Now i ask you in closing, how is it possible he can be the next president after all the facts, all his TV actions, all his double talk and lies? All his indictments. All his 9 victims of rape verified with that ONE TRIAL! The Evangelic L-o-v-e him! Is there any other reason or logic you can come up with to dispel my nasty assumptions of human nature?

Cooler heads? i need to what? I am exposing the hard truths and no one wants to hear it. Sad but i discussed this type of scenario BEFORE he even won the first election. I was ridiculed and dismissed. Even now i am dismissed as if reality is something every individual can manipulate. Here is a proposition for ya. IF (TODAY) after all the exposed truths, as disturbing as it is, can be shrugged aside and we manage to accept other reasons for voting for TRUMP what do YOU think is the reason? His hair color? his good looks? Biden is too old too corrupt? We are talking about reelecting a HITLER figure. I have the answer, do you? Once you do perhaps you too will be depressed. I saw this way back when and nothing TODAY has changed that course.

Finally, why am "I" the only one yelling fire? Why after all this time, all the proof in the world showing there is a fire am I still being called hysterical? if you can't "see" the problem you will never accept the current reality. Hysterical? yup! You do know that German Jews in Hitler's long reign NEVER believed his own words. they SHUT IT OUT because they couldn't process a human being would do such a thing. Once TRUMP takes office he already stated what he will do. Don't believe him? Don't believe me? LOOK IT UP. Step by step. Use any search engine. Key in "what will trump do if elected again"

have fun reading the truth. just pretend he isn't TODAY in a dead heat with Biden. have a great day.


09/03/23 12:48 PM

#915 RE: joyceschoice #911

Just a reality check. Hysteria indeed! While you seek out reasons to be sanguine I use actual data points. What better data than actual poll numbers.
So hysteria is what we all should be in. Think about this. For 12 years HITLER was in charge. In that time it became abundantly clear just how immoral and ruthless he was. Here we have a worse situation. We started out in a Republic with democratic principles and knew nothing else. TODAY we are going out of our way to chose dictatorial control. If you want me to post a dozen TV performances that spell out EXACTLY what trump intends to do just give me a holler. Now this is from the horses mouth. he will make loyalty pledges with the DOJ and ever single administration duties. He will go after his enemies with the full force of his powers. He has been labeled a rapist by his peers in a trial. His bigotry is a thing of beauty. he BOASTS about it. Red State after Red state is refusing to accept NO to their proposals and is changing laws to make sure they don't have to listen to the public.

Everything i say is BACKED UP WITH FACTS. No not your silly cherry picking of OPINIONS. I will ONLY post actual facts. The fact that TRUMP is in a dead heat TODAY should make YOU hysterical. Or perhaps you are one of the 50% that approve of his actions. Either way WAKE the F UP!!!!! Finally there is a movement to place the 14th amendment on sedition to prevent trump from running. it will fail like the Stupreme Courts let the dogs out decisions since Trump became president. Blacks can be treated like furniture? They are ABOVE THE LAW and can make up any law they deem appropriate. Not hysterical yet?

I deal in FACTS. I "saw" what was happening a decade ago. I "know" with certainty we have already lost our Republic. Scoff at it. But I have actual POSTS from a long time ago that spelled out what was going to happen and i was OPTIMISTIC in my evaluation. Funny isn't it.

DEAD HEAT TODAY! So tell me what will change their minds? Biden too old? A bad economy? The GOP is all in with Trump. The legal process is a joke and will NEVER see the light of day. You act as if you have no idea just how dangerous TRUMP is? Like living in the 11th year of Hitler's 12 year reign? Now i would call that astonishing.