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08/27/23 12:15 PM

#392117 RE: Gmenfan #392116

Another over-educated idiot who thinks communism/fascism will work THIS time.

And the biggest idiots are the fools who keep voting D.

Just look at Hawaii. D forever.

Sorry you all died and/or lost your homes and livelihoods but it was it was global warming. Not our ineptness with keeping the power grid maintained.

You think they'll vote R next time? Me neither.
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08/27/23 2:16 PM

#392121 RE: Gmenfan #392116

That article, on Obama, is truly great. Leave it to The American Thinker to publish it.

More than any other individual, I blame Obama for where we are today.

IMO, it all started when Obama was spotted as a potential player, in American Black politics, when he was in a Madras, in Indonesia, as a child. At the time, Indonesia was being ran by Communist General Suharto.' I think Oboy\s life was charted from there.

As you look at Oboy's early life, remember this. His mother wandered the East with little visible means of support. His Grandmother was a bank teller, his grandfather a part time furniture salesman.. Where did the money come from for his privileged life style.

Tutored by Frank Marshall Davis. A child molester with strong ties to the Communist Party and the influential Black Community in Chicago. Expensive schools in Honolulu.. A full scholarship plus room and board at Occidental College, in Pasadena. Scholarships at NYU and Harvard. Editor of The Harvard Law Review? What were his qualifications, for that job? What has he written? He claims to have written those two dumb books about his early life...

Academic scholarships? Not likely. Have his report cards ever been made public?

Out of College he goes straight to Chicago and is immersed in the life that his old mentor, Frank Marshal Davis plotted for him. Valery Jarrett's well to do family. The Moose's affluent family. a "job" as a Community Organizer. A place at the feet of Rev Jerimiah Wright's feet.

I don't think Oboy did any of this with his family's wealth or with his own academic brilliance.

I think he Was Chosen

Oboy---The Secret Muslim.

I never saw him as a practicing Muslim. Did he have Muslim sympathies? Absolutely! I started in the Madras schools, in Indonesia. His two roomies, at Occidental, were Pakistani Muslim. One of them went with him, to NYU.
When he took office, in 2009, one of his first appointments was John Brennan, as an advisor on terrorism.

Brennan seems typical of the mysteries of the CIA. In 180 he applied to the CIA. While taking a lie detector test, he had admitted to voting Communist, in the 1976 election.

When Oboy brought him into his administration, he was touted as a "student ofIslam" He was stationed in Saudi Arabia for a number of years, with the CIA.

Early in his tenure he made a speech on Islam. During that speech, he revealed himself to be a Muslim Sympathizer. He said, that n Islam, "jihad" was the act ofself cleansing. Bullshit, John!

I worked in the Musllm World, for5 years. My Company required us to learn some basics about Islam. An important aspect is Sura 106--The Abrogation Sura.

NOTE " Sura" means "Chapter"

In Sura 106, Muhammed wrote that everything written after Sura106, that conflicted with his earlier wettings, abrogated his earlier writings

Pre Sura 106, Jihad meant self cleansing. After 106, Jihad meant Death to the infidel.


i think