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08/24/23 7:47 PM

#107366 RE: TB #107347

I've already taken a ton of crap on this very board for predicting EXACTLY what would happen!

Only, the use of the term "dilution" isn't precisely accurate imv atm, ...& is a bit premature!

Because although I said shares would be issued, & would likely occur asap, which they have! It still only represents *(at THIS TIME -- & until further notice) the EXECUTION of a deal. And an exchange.

Meaning, that money may have been wired & transferred, a contract executed, some deal made, more IP, whatever it is I suspect shareholders will soon be informed about the changes. Because it is a MATERIAL EVENT.... AND, the filings clearly show that Mark accepted a cash infusion of $50,000.00. About half-of which is likely ticketed for the MM c211 package, potential filing & regulatory fees; & the like. And the balance is probably for whatever other deals & necessities the company needs in order to operate.

But the shares are RESTRICTED!! And now that the TA (is also likely paid) & UNGAGGED -- at least shareholders can MONITOR when those shares COME OFF RESTRICTION. With the current OTC regulations that can be ANYWHERE from 6-24 months! And then the holder would have to go through a rather extensive process of verification via TA, attorney, legend restriction removal, through a broker's COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT past the clearing & then into a broker's account from liquidation. That's usually a 6-week long process. In the interim if Mark should find himself getting dumped Expert Market again from some late filing that could PUSH that process back some more. I don't know the EXACT application of these current regulations whereas EM is concerned but... Let's just say that the NEWLY RESTRICTED SHARES aren't going to be DILUTED anytime soon!

Someone is likely to come along & correct me if they think anything posted is inaccurate. But JUST BECAUSE shares became RESTRICTED doesn't --imv, equal nor equate to DILUTION!! And even if & when those shares DO COME OFF Restriction, sometimes holders might go through the aforementioned min. 6-week process to remove the restrictions & prepare for FREE TRADING -- & still chose to hold the shares for more upside!! Although, no one here should EXPECT that... I'm just mentioning that it does happen. But that there is NO REAL EFFECTIVE DILUTION until the shares COME OFF RESTRICTION!! And, that can be anywhere from a MINIMUM of 7.5 months to 24months (plus 1.5months for all the shenanigans to get them "CLEARED" for trading).

NOT trying to parse hairs here. Argue, or be disagreeable. Simply pointing out that:
1. We don't know yet what kind of issuance has occurred.
2. We don't know the holding period (but should assume the shortest - min. 6months)
3. There is a restrictive-legend removal process that can take about 6 weeks OR MORE!
4. And the certificate-holder of these RESTRICTED SHARES may be forced, agreed, or obliged to hold for UP TO 24-mos!
5. AND THEN still has to go through the aforementioned min. ~6wk clearing process.
6. And MIKP can have a corporate LAPSE in filing & status which ALSO could push OUT the certificate-holder(s) ability to START the CLEARING process.

And finally, I believe the CEO of MIKP would be EXPECTED to explain this event. And he already may have: as in the $50,000.00 loan per recent filing.

BOTTOM-LINE: No shares are being DILUTED from the NEWLY RESTRICTED ADDITIONS... And no one should EXPECT ANY for at least another 7months!

