maverick_1 - I appreciate the analysis, and I look forward to seeing those proposals finalized and implemented. I'm pleasantly surprised to see something positive from the regulators.
@53 CT’s 1st BIG UP WK in last 7 wks, & WKLY VOLUME BEST IN 11 wks when it was ~79 cts
AND NWBO‘s to be collaborators REGN +2% in big bkout (REGN reversed it’s CRL) + MRK +1% despite another failed CkPt PH3 trial
NWBO held on to Thurs +25% !HIGHLY UNUSUAL when just RETAIL vs DARK Forces were OUTFUDDEDwith TRUTHS For wk: NWBO +12% outperformed XBI! +1.5% NWBO REVERSED Bearish Signal yesterday
Sitting in the Catbird Seat courtesy of June ASCO Mechanism of Action presentation NWBO CEO Linda Powers will get a few complementary & $Agreeable STRATEGIC COMBO Collaborations OR receive any of 4 Regulatory Approvals.