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08/22/23 11:17 AM

#431592 RE: vegas options #431591


IDCC is 25 points below target!

There is plenty of room for buying shares.

The shorts hope is to lower the share price with small continuous sells at the bid, lowering the bid asked price. Without steady buyers, or a market buyback program, the short strategy has worked - against all odds, seemingly. Their hope is to get an institution or two to liquidate their IDCC investment along the way, and then others might join in for fear of losing their profits! This in a time of no news from the company. I think we have seen some of that (institutional liquidation) with the end of day up volume price plunges. At least one or two institutions have probably sold out to buy into NVDA or TSLA.

IDCC typically has done its buybacks by purchasing blocks of shares from institutions. I think that if they strategically purchased shares at the asked prices throughout the day instead, the 100 share "machine gun" shorts might be overwhelmed, and their whole walkdown of the share price strategy might fail. This could result in a short squeeze & a short term IDCC share price well north of $100.

IMHO - Tomcat