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08/20/23 11:07 PM

#18624 RE: JoeForkeyBolo #18623

I am Spartacus!!

But seriously --as you know --even if you don't read many of my posts --I am a big believer in "viral persistence".
Not just in covid--->>long covid. In a lot of leftover viral remnants,the best example as it is established, is chickenpox (varicella zoster). Nearly everyone gets chicken pox. Your immune system kicks it after a few days of itch/scratch and alls well and good. Now for some/maybe most there is some old "latent" pox virus that never got out of system--for whatever reason. The immune system has it beat down constantly so medicals say latent. And it does nothing/hopefully ever

But as Drs are seeing with covid--the covid virus is just wearing the immune system down. Even for people that get over it quick--their immune system is worn. That is why the GET exercise endorsed by some Drs is so bad. That is why you see some world class athletes struggle for months. They did what we all do when we get over a cold or a flu--right back to work. Get a good sweat workout in. Then its all good. EXCEPT covid is different. We see people that ran marathons now can't do 2 flights of stairs. Football coaches in wheelchairs

That is rare but the viral persistence w covid is NOT. That is where all this endothelial damage is coming from. Microclots are coming from. People are having gastric issues/surgeries because the low level /not showing on PCR test covid in in reservoir. A few dozen feet of twist/turn intestines is great location. I know you know this and understand 100%. You are putting $$ into the science

But when that article came out about the ME/CFS and the entero virus,viral persistence and possible links to covid--and the other article talks about M Pro maybe 30 times and that should be the treatment site for covid and entero virus and that could help in the ME/CFS realm. That is not random thought by investor in 3CL/M Pro protease inhibitors (TolloVID/TolloVIR). That is scientists making that connection. That is Drs making that connection. Dr Arad was correct/is correct/will be correct until proven otherwise. So far --more and more of the science--of the medical community is proving her 100%.