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08/14/23 12:03 PM

#285181 RE: NYBob #285175

You're welcome Bob ! In case I never told you... here is how to eat healthier. Stay away from what the guberment pushes and the media. Always do the opposite of what they say. That is where the truth is. Same with the FDA. Stick with homeopathic remedies that cure ailments without side effects. Like it used to be before Rockefeller took over all medical institutions at the turn of the last century. He bought out all of the teaching academies. Cardiovascular and heart diseases exploded after the 1980's just when the big push for vegetable oils came about. Coinkidink? Nope. Here is a summation about which fats/oils to ingest and cook with:

Remember the $$$ is where the Patents exist and that is chemical based drugs which have Patents. The current medical industry only treats symptoms, they cure nothing. See you can't patent a plant. Plants provide all of natural remedies for every disease known and without side effects because they are derived from nature.


08/14/23 1:03 PM

#285184 RE: NYBob #285175

Bob here is some good news ! The fake meat push to fight "climate change" that does not exist and never did - which is only a front to confiscate more wealth from Americans, prevent travel of people more than 15 minutes from home, promote cancers using imitation meats, and to make humanity unhealthy, & weak, and especially males that need protein from animals for proper development, growth and testosterone.... is finally seeing results of the public awakening to the truth.

These demon elites pushing their evil upon us use terminology that sounds good and is easy to remember (IE program people) like bumper sticker slogans which they are very good at doing - to manipulate us. Words like "Smart", "Impossible burger", etc.. Think opposite and think they admit the truth in plain sight.

Nothing "smart" is a good choice.

Impossible is a fact - such as it is not meat.

And the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bilderbergs, Windsors, etc. do NOT eat Morning Star Farms, I can assure you


08/30/23 1:30 PM

#285250 RE: NYBob #285175

Bob, check out my post #285243