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08/08/23 2:09 PM

#318881 RE: Poo28 #318879

Vacationing in Europe while posting 24/7?

Your endless lies are simply NOT credible, Cruella!


08/08/23 2:21 PM

#318889 RE: Poo28 #318879

Lie after lie.

Bullshit. Everything in my post is the TRUTH.

It is YOU that is hiding behind DBMM's awful record and (yes) behind "creative accounting". Look at DBMM's OPERATIONAL record. Look at the revenue that DBMM is claiming and then subtract the costs of producing that revenue and the other costs to basically keep the lights on and the business going.

That's why 99% of the Q's and K's show a NET LOSS. Those few that have numbers NOT showing a net loss have been finagled with accounting tricks. Yes, the tricks are legally done, but they HIDE the ACTUAL LOSS experienced in DBMM's BUSINESS operations. YOU know it, I know it, and ANYONE with COMMON SENSE can SEE it.

Costs FAR outstrip the revenue produced and at the end of the day? THAT means DBMM does not have enough money to keep operating. How do they keep the business going? They BORROW the money or they use SHARES.

It's pretty simple. DBMM has a HORRBLE business, run by a HORRIBLE CEO.