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08/05/23 8:52 PM

#425940 RE: georgejjl #425938

Good find, George...
Some here try to convince us there are no conspiracies and make jokes about it.
Well, they are the complicit ones...

The Anatomy of a Short Attack – Abusive shorting are not random acts of a renegade hedge funds, but rather a coordinated business plan that is carried out by a collusive consortium of hedge funds and prime brokers, with help from their friends at the DTC and major clearinghouses. Potential target companies are identified, analyzed and prioritized. The attack is planned to its most minute detail.

...and include hired FUDsters (cabal soldiers), who we're very familiar with here.
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08/06/23 11:28 AM

#425949 RE: georgejjl #425938

Thx George;

Why is This Important? This problem affects the investing public. Whether invested directly in the stock market or in mutual funds, IRAs, retirement or pension plans that hold stock – it touches the majority of Americans. The participants in this fraud, which, when fully exposed, will make Enron look like child’s play, have been very successful in maintaining a veil of secrecy and impenetrability. Congress and the SEC have unknowingly (?) helped keep the closet door closed. The public rarely knows when its pocket is being picked as unexplained drops in stock price get chalked up to “market forces” when they are often market manipulations. The stocks most frequently targeted are those of emerging companies who went to the stock market to raise start-up capital. Small business brings the vast majority of innovative new ideas and products to market and creates the majority of new jobs in the United States. It is estimated that over 1000 of these emerging companies have been put into bankruptcy or had their stock driven to pennies by predatory short sellers.

From the US SEC (Security and Exchange Commision)

IMO, this link is not a "Fun and games" show and tell, This is hard ball. Lot of BIG $$$ does not want AVXL to achieve medical-financial goals.