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07/29/23 12:11 PM

#60218 RE: TyphoonLou #60217

a lot of of longs are here because of the science. the results of the data from the clinical trials is more important than arguing over the timelines, the PRs , or the leadership of any company.
I tried to explain this many times .

i watched Thomas Ichim try to discuss the science on SM, and so far the replies show no scientific understanding whatsoever.

If you wanna go for a discussion about the science , then you are thinkin longer term.

it shows you are a long , and not a stuck .

thanx for posting here Lou. a little education goes a long way



07/29/23 12:15 PM

#60219 RE: TyphoonLou #60217

Your reading comprehension is sorely lacking and your reasoning is terrible. You don’t pick up much of what others lay down.
1) I am new here. Can you prove otherwise?
2) We are at .0017 (the pronoun “we” in that factual statement refers to anyone who is invested in TSOI). Once again, that is a fact that you will be unable to disprove (and it is bizarre that seems to have gotten you all frothed up)
3) Using absolute terms like “nobody” is unwise. Someone definitely believes I am new here (which makes you wrong yet again). I am, in fact, a new poster here and had to learn how to add the screenshot of your ridiculous declaration that the floor was certainly in. My main points regarding your inaccurate and manipulative posts hold either way.
4). You are free, of course, to post pretty much whatever you’d like. I, on the other hand, am free to point out your deception and manipulation. I have invited you to point out when I post falsehoods. Let me know when you can actually do that for me.