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07/28/23 7:25 PM

#105699 RE: skyrocketinsight #105698

I haven't ignored him 'cause I don't like ignoring posters but I don't read any of his posts either
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07/30/23 8:01 AM

#105726 RE: skyrocketinsight #105698

~16.1B A/S & that's JUST on $MIKP before the R/S. A brand NEW110M O/S increased (20x) to nearly 2.22 BILLION within the year.... DTCC Chill & then (as if that wasn't enough) SEC SUSPENSION for STOCK FRAUD!! And DUMPED onto the GREY (EM) SHEETS....

What about the other company he R/S? Where are the revenues & monies form the DILUTION?

Ever see the ServeNation PR where he claims he can IMPROVE on the PROFITABLE BUSINESS to the tune of $100,000,000.00 (ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS) over THREE YEARS?

Did you see MONEY from the George RR Martin IP that was PR'd as shareholder-owned through 2019 NOPE!!

BUT MYSTERIOUSLY GONE without ANY SIGNIFICANT MIKP revenues since inception (2009)

HA HAHAAAA.... Now he's SEC REPORTING but doesn't have MONEY to file the c211?


If he KNEW he didn't have REVENUES....
AND he KNEW the industry was likely to STRIKE
Why did he, AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, get audited NOW
"Pink Current" & SEC Reporting through this period. He has
NO CLUE what the feck he's doing,.... that's why!!

And NEITHER do the PUMP-PRAISING shareholders who encouraged him to GET OFF HIS ASS!! Out of the frying pan -- into the fire! With NO PLAN B!! Congrats....

Where's the c211 ???....LMMFAO!!



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07/30/23 8:26 AM

#105728 RE: skyrocketinsight #105698

skyrocketinsight wrote:

You must love talking without thinking?

skyrocketinsight wrote:

Mark has been like this from the beginning. Either Mark is a pathological or compulsive liar or he is the largest procrastinator the world has EVER SEEN!

skyrocketinsight wrote:

To Mark:
How is the master conman doing in his vying for negative attention! You got it! You deserve it! The only people rooting you on at this point are those that don't know you!

From: Mark B. Newbauer <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 7:30 PM

Not sure why/where/how you get this and I'm not sure why I bother responding to your emails at all. I have given you a response that stated we are in review for a 211 application by a reputable market maker for MIKP and for VGTL, we are seeking viable opportunities to settle debt and create shareholder value. You are just driving yourself (and me) crazy with the daily demands for information that simply doesn't exist.

Mark B. Newbauer

skyrocketinsight wrote:

To Mark:
information that simply doesn't exist.

Maybe because you are a liar. You implied there was (information) over and over and over again. All I am asking is that you expound/clarify what you are saying in laymans terms (clear and concise) so we know what the hell you are saying.

You like using coming days, soon, forthcoming BS words that frankly coming from you mean nothing as NOTHING happens when you use them. Been that way for years (close to a decade).

What do they call people like you. PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!

Prove me wrong and put something out there on twitter clear and concise explaining what path you are taking for VGTL / MIKP and where you are (exactly) with both of them.

skyrocketinsight wrote:

You are not using Mark's conversion chart

Days = 6 months minimum
Weeks= 1 to 2 years
Months= up to 5 years
Next year = 10 years or more

Soon = tell him to stick it where the sun * *
Coming days= 6 months minimum
Forthcoming= He is a liar

skyrocketinsight wrote:

I would like to believe the guy, but his lack of communication and lying about news being soon unfortunately proves him to be a liar. You don't use the word soon over and over again over months and or years. He in my opinion has to prove himself. I have reservations about the Burt Reynold story being true as Bert could not refute his story from the grave.

Make us pink Mark and maybe the Burt Reynold Story and other things you have said can become somewhat believable.

skyrocketinsight wrote:

IMO that is a bunch of BS, or Mark is a liar. Mark implied years ago that they got an offer for White Space back in 2011. If he was so tight on money he would have sold White Space as he has tried to juggle several projects (according to him) that are big and news worthy. He loves to use the word soon in indicating to his ahareholders that news is on the way. I am up fed up with that azzhole and his perpetual pending news.

skyrocketinsight wrote:

Something is the word I would use. And that is a big question as to Mark doing something. First Mark said he was working on a 211 and now he says he is NOT working on a 211. That does not add up but spells LIAR.

skyrocketinsight wrote:

Mark is an outright liar IMO. He told me by April 15th they would file. Then he said he did not say that to me. Then he said something else and then again and then again.

How can anyone tolerate the integrated draft that MIKP will be working on of the form 10/audit. Mark specifically told me they would file immediately (the form 10 and audit) when the audit is complete.

Then Mark adds if in the equation again to another week (for the integration form 10/audit) draft.
He is setting us up for another delay.

Then of course after the draft you have the official filing.

How long does the draft take to complete and then the next step.

You are right Mark is in the hot seat and when you challenge him with questions he turns into this bastard who tries to belittle you. Mark is a very poor CEO which should becoming obvious to all.

The only credit I give him at this point is he didn't let MIKP rot and start over. You have to wonder if the motive is the 2 year thing that some people and now myself is talking about that has Mark keeping this alive.

Mark appears and it is becoming quite obvious he wants to delay a couple of more times and cross that 2 year period. WHY????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Mark is not sincere or something would have definitely happened by now.



If this is what Mark Newbauer said he is a LIAR. He said they would have the form 10 form filed before April 15th as that is tax season and his lawyers wanted the form 10 out of the way so they could work on taxes.

Again if Mark said this HE IS A LIAR!

Shall I continue?

skyrocketinsight wrote:

Don't forget St. James that was already suppose to be making money. Once the account receivables catch up with account payables, there should start being a constant stream of revenue. This would be way over due. Either there is revenue (NOW) or Mark is a liar.

skyrocketinsight wrote:

Mark is eager only because that is all he does for all the shares he is selling. How can he do anything else when he emails us all day long. Puts up a flag in my head. What about ServeNation. How many times has Mark said that he sold ServeNation or ServeNation was going to roll out the credit card thing only to have nothing happen and still no revenue. How can we expect White Space to be any different.

When Mark says that White Space is done, we cannot assume he means that it (White Space)is finished. Mark twists things alot and if he can use almost done to trick us into thinking the whole thing, Mark will do it. I have called Mark on this behavior of his many times.

This is beginning to look like a circus and Mark keeps saying he or no one he knows is selling shares in my opinion is a big sack of lies. Put it bluntly, Mark is a liar.




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08/08/23 2:29 PM

#106299 RE: skyrocketinsight #105698

"Talking without thinking..."? Like this:

skyrocketinsight wrote:

Mark has been like this from the beginning. Either Mark is a pathological or compulsive liar or he is the largest procrastinator the world has EVER SEEN!

skyrocketinsight wrote:

To Mark:
How is the master conman doing in his vying for negative attention! You got it! You deserve it! The only people rooting you on at this point are those that don't know you!

From: Mark B. Newbauer <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2020 7:30 PM

Not sure why/where/how you get this and I'm not sure why I bother responding to your emails at all. I have given you a response that stated we are in review for a 211 application by a reputable market maker for MIKP and for VGTL, we are seeking viable opportunities to settle debt and create shareholder value. You are just driving yourself (and me) crazy with the daily demands for information that simply doesn't exist.

Mark B. Newbauer

skyrocketinsight wrote:

To Mark:
information that simply doesn't exist.

Maybe because you are a liar. You implied there was (information) over and over and over again. All I am asking is that you expound/clarify what you are saying in laymans terms (clear and concise) so we know what the hell you are saying.

You like using coming days, soon, forthcoming BS words that frankly coming from you mean nothing as NOTHING happens when you use them. Been that way for years (close to a decade).

What do they call people like you. PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!

Prove me wrong and put something out there on twitter clear and concise explaining what path you are taking for VGTL / MIKP and where you are (exactly) with both of them.

skyrocketinsight wrote:

You are not using Mark's conversion chart

Days = 6 months minimum
Weeks= 1 to 2 years
Months= up to 5 years
Next year = 10 years or more

Soon = tell him to stick it where the sun * *
Coming days= 6 months minimum
Forthcoming= He is a liar

skyrocketinsight wrote:

I would like to believe the guy, but his lack of communication and lying about news being soon unfortunately proves him to be a liar. You don't use the word soon over and over again over months and or years. He in my opinion has to prove himself. I have reservations about the Burt Reynold story being true as Bert could not refute his story from the grave.

Make us pink Mark and maybe the Burt Reynold Story and other things you have said can become somewhat believable.

skyrocketinsight wrote:

IMO that is a bunch of BS, or Mark is a liar. Mark implied years ago that they got an offer for White Space back in 2011. If he was so tight on money he would have sold White Space as he has tried to juggle several projects (according to him) that are big and news worthy. He loves to use the word soon in indicating to his ahareholders that news is on the way. I am up fed up with that azzhole and his perpetual pending news.

skyrocketinsight wrote:

Something is the word I would use. And that is a big question as to Mark doing something. First Mark said he was working on a 211 and now he says he is NOT working on a 211. That does not add up but spells LIAR.

skyrocketinsight wrote:

Mark is an outright liar IMO. He told me by April 15th they would file. Then he said he did not say that to me. Then he said something else and then again and then again.

How can anyone tolerate the integrated draft that MIKP will be working on of the form 10/audit. Mark specifically told me they would file immediately (the form 10 and audit) when the audit is complete.

Then Mark adds if in the equation again to another week (for the integration form 10/audit) draft.
He is setting us up for another delay.

Then of course after the draft you have the official filing.

How long does the draft take to complete and then the next step.

You are right Mark is in the hot seat and when you challenge him with questions he turns into this bastard who tries to belittle you. Mark is a very poor CEO which should becoming obvious to all.

The only credit I give him at this point is he didn't let MIKP rot and start over. You have to wonder if the motive is the 2 year thing that some people and now myself is talking about that has Mark keeping this alive.

Mark appears and it is becoming quite obvious he wants to delay a couple of more times and cross that 2 year period. WHY????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Mark is not sincere or something would have definitely happened by now.



If this is what Mark Newbauer said he is a LIAR. He said they would have the form 10 form filed before April 15th as that is tax season and his lawyers wanted the form 10 out of the way so they could work on taxes.

Again if Mark said this HE IS A LIAR!

Shall we continue?

skyrocketinsight wrote:

Don't forget St. James that was already suppose to be making money. Once the account receivables catch up with account payables, there should start being a constant stream of revenue. This would be way over due. Either there is revenue (NOW) or Mark is a liar.

skyrocketinsight wrote:

Mark is eager only because that is all he does for all the shares he is selling. How can he do anything else when he emails us all day long. Puts up a flag in my head. What about ServeNation. How many times has Mark said that he sold ServeNation or ServeNation was going to roll out the credit card thing only to have nothing happen and still no revenue. How can we expect White Space to be any different.

When Mark says that White Space is done, we cannot assume he means that it (White Space)is finished. Mark twists things alot and if he can use almost done to trick us into thinking the whole thing, Mark will do it. I have called Mark on this behavior of his many times.

This is beginning to look like a circus and Mark keeps saying he or no one he knows is selling shares in my opinion is a big sack of lies. Put it bluntly, Mark is a liar.





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08/08/23 2:41 PM

#106302 RE: skyrocketinsight #105698

HERE'S MORE!! skyrocketinsight wrote:

I put in my two cents to Mark both in the form of an email(s and then left a voice message on his cell phone or work #.

Here it is.

My support of a NO RS split for MIKP was based on the following:

MIKP made all of these claims and really cannot justify a RS split

1, There are too many toxic PINR shares. This is an illusion created by Mark as an excuse for a RS to screw the shareholders.

2, Mark made claims that Servenation was such a good thing and had all of these revenue projections. Where is all the revenue?

3, Mark made comments about how good their initial MMA event went and the money made from it.

4, Mark has been raving about their strides in the film industry.

Bottom line: If Mark goes for the reverse stock split it was only brought about by him (and not toxic PINR shares) as he let RS enter his vocabulary.

I told Mark to announce a NO RS split (and buy back shares) and watch his stock go back up. That was the only reason it went down in the first place as he let it become a possibility in his thinking.

By the way: Mark never got back to me on either of my emails or my phone msg.. The same day I left a msg. (via his website)was when I was that article concerning a decison by MIKP would be coming in the next few day(s).

June 2010 - They are trying to get someone else aboard on the Servenation idea. (probably for funding).


all of these countless other claims should only spell one thing (providing that Mark is not a crook). No reverse stock split.

If he does, (go ahead with his RS) his business plan will fail because everyone will know he is a crook and the old adage (what goes around comes around will hit him between the eyeballs.

His claim also that he makes decisions based on the best interest of the share holders will hold no ground and everyone will know how big a liar he really is.

...3 emails from him that I have already put on this board. They talk about no reverse split.

skyrocketinsight wrote:

Well said. I think due to the frequency of the postponements of the form 10/audit filing (and the lies in between,

I know as I talked to Mark and HE IS LYING

my conclusion is Mark is a chronic liar
and he I really believe he forgets what he tells people (and really thinks he is telling the truth) and he will say that everyone else is lying except him and everything is beyond his control.

He takes no accountability for anything. His other comeback is IT IS WHAT IT IS. The man is evil. IMO.


What else can we do and say (MIKP is not trading and we ARE all current bag holders).

skyrocketinsight wrote:

If Mark has the need to sell megadoses of shares, this whole company is one big fat lie.

So how about: Instead of MY words (to characterize & explain), ...we JUST USE YOURS!! How's that?



