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07/25/23 10:07 AM

#148873 RE: chsmoke #148868

Haha, I agree, but I have a real problem with a lack of commitment by those running the place and the continued ignorance and cover provided for the career GRIFTING that HAS ALREADY OCCURRED.

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07/25/23 10:19 AM

#148879 RE: chsmoke #148868

Remember when people on this board were fawning over the hire of Atikem Hailemariam 7 months ago and saying what a valuable addition to the team he would be as a seasoned sales closer?

How's that going so far? Tons of sales? Tons of deals?

By the way, if you look at Atikem's LinkedIn page, he apparently only works on a contract basis for LWLG while simultaneously working as "Director of Business Development" at CigActiontec Electronics and as "Vice President of Business Development" at Syght.

Looks like he took a page out of Lebby's playbook and said "This looks like an easy paycheck! Do I have to actually do anything, or can I just get paid?"
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07/25/23 10:20 AM

#148880 RE: chsmoke #148868

I disagree on the price going down, it is heading north and pops up as soon as the shorts stop borrowing and selling.

Next subject
So I understand why shorts go negative, but one certainly has to scratch their head when someone purported to be a long goes negative as if that will change anything at the company. That is akin to three people in a canoe with one dragging the paddle while complaining that they are not moving fast enough. Posting negative things on a message board does nothing to help their position but can become a self-fulfilling prophecy and encourage more shorting.
There are about 10,000 stock message boards to think that any company goes to them for advice is absurd. If folks have a suggestion or concern, just ask them, If they can answer they do, if not I respect that. In the past I’ve asked certain things and was told if they told me I would have to sign an NDA. There are also unfriendly types in the industry, so they need to hold their cards close, I’m not sure some understand that.

Back to the first point
As of now the buys exceed the sells by 1,000 shares and the price is up 10 cents. Believe me that freaks out the shorts
There are 22,000 of those 1ks in 22,000,000! 22,000 times 10 cent is $2 Grand. I'm not saying this will hit 2 Grand but pay attention folks, It Matters.

Geez now look the shorts just threw down 30k extra but the price is up now up 12 cents, holy molly. Unless the shorts keep selling this will head north as the "shhhh folks in the industry say to their cousin, check out what we are working on" with this polymer crowd grows.

Back to the head scratching
Would a short ever post something positive about Lightwave, certainly not, I think some longs think they will get an award or something from the shorts, (or the longs are actually short).

I heard Elon renamed twitter X, go figure. I wonder if Elon has any this?

One more time 24k more sells than buys and the price is up 17 cents, do the math.
22,000,000 divided by 24,000 = 900 of those 17 cents, um 900 times 17 cent is $150 Bucks, I could absolutely see this hitting $150 on a short squeeze.

This is an easy one, Currently up 20 cents, 22,000 more sells than buys. there are 1,000 of those 22,000 and at 20 cents That is an even $200. When one watches it that way it is easier to understand what is going on.

Like I told Lebby on any given day I could throw down and sell 100k shares and some would call him every name in the book. Oh that reminds me, about the feelings post last night, X has no feelings, LOL honestly I want a CEO with action not feelings.
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07/25/23 10:31 AM

#148883 RE: chsmoke #148868

chsmoke, Perk seems to be ready for Polariton to offer prototype devices for research and other uses, but nobody here seems to see high sales for this angle.

KCC has written about 'standalone' packaged modulators - the Polymer Stack - that he thinks is going to be produced in the new warehouse. It's not clear what the status is of this because to my knowledge the company has left us in the dark about that.

The big deal announcements that some people are waiting for require getting to a certain place of readiness with foundries. To my knowledge Dr Lebby has not said they are at that place yet. KCC thinks 2000 hours of reliability testing on packaged modulators is the industry requirement, and slide 32 showed 350 2 months ago. He thinks that is for the Polymer Slot (the one that could become ubiquitous in time) although the company wouldn't confirm that as opposed to it being for the Polymer Stack. KCC thought an announcement on the 2000 hours would be 'a few months' away 1-2 months ago.

It may well be that nobody wants to sign a deal until that 2000 is reached. It also may be that a deal signed will be on the Stack as opposed to the Slot.

I'm not sure why Dr Lebby doesn't want to be more transparent at this point since it would appear they will be starting very slow once they what need is there to keep the starting date under wraps? Could it be they are still trying to resolve hurdles and can't yet prove that the process is seemless, or is it more a case of being ready but still needing to prove out the 2000 hours?