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07/24/23 2:24 PM

#712513 RE: Boris the Spider #712512

NO sir I never questioned your integrity, I was just saying and relaying exactly what she shared with your source and then you here

Get some thicker skin please, It was not an attack against you at all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


07/24/23 2:29 PM

#712514 RE: Boris the Spider #712512

DUDE you are pulling stuff out of a HAT with this comment that is at least 4 yrs old remeber I was in the court room with here at the UW's trial and we discussed wording and verbiage of her filing for well over a month in preparing for her trial...........................PRETTY MUCH DAILY

""BTW, did you see where she posted on BP about YOU a while back, calling you "a miserable old crank"?"""

And to be accurate I think it was ""CORTCHITY OL WHITE MAN"""

We have long gone past those times.

SO put it up


07/24/23 2:33 PM

#712515 RE: Boris the Spider #712512

NO sir I never questioned your integrity, I was just saying and relaying exactly what she shared concerning the Kentucky thing to me and then to you here

Get some thicker skin please, It was not an attack against you at all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Boris the Spider

07/24/23 3:58 PM

#712520 RE: Boris the Spider #712512

Alice agrees with the logic of the statutes theory as I said:

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Re: Statute
« Sent to: bigtexsolar on: July 17, 2023, 07:14:00 AM »
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Quote from: bigtexsolar on July 15, 2023, 07:11:05 PM
Hi Alice,

This was posted on the IHUB board. any thoughts? Seems to be logical

I don't know if my theory is right...we've had thousands of them over these 15 tough years. They come and go like a puff of smoke. Nothing ever happens.
Yet those of us who have dug into this know there is money, somewhere. I have my opinions as to what happened to the hundreds of billions, all for a paltry $1.88B. I won't express them here for obvious reasons...but the levels of corruption in this case are staggering. Our country is a mess! And they get away with these things over and over.

But the money is there, at least the $30B which is VERY liquid and ready to move.
I find it implausible that hedge funds who invested billions, just walked away with their tails between their legs, saying, "Oh damn, too bad, we lost a lot of money for our investors!"
No way. They know what's to come. So do the UWs, who knew more than anyone what was behind the curtain.

So where do we go from here? I wish I knew. But I will say this. Something will happen this year. No way will the perpetrators get away scot free. They may walk away with a lot of it. But they won't get it all. And for those who did this to WAMU's shareholders and employees, know this: There is a such a place as hell. You will pay for your deeds, one way or another. If I were you I'd make it right here...rather than when you meet your maker and get your life review.

Good luck to you all. May justice prevail.

Hi, Tex. It is logical. I don't know about timing, but we will get our money.