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07/22/23 9:07 AM

#412815 RE: oneragman #412814

AMRN finally has a BOD that actually wants to build shareholder value. My
guess is that when Denner gets the price he wants he will sell the company.
Until that event happens the management will do all they can to build the
business in a way that will make it attractive for a BP BO. My hope is that
Sarissa will increase there stake as soon as they legally can. Institutional
ownership has to increase dramatically going forward.
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07/22/23 9:16 AM

#412816 RE: oneragman #412814

One thing I am positive of, for all your negativety and gloom and doom, you will be posting rocketship emoji's telling us you knew all along Denner was the man.

On May 9 you wrote:

FFS, I know one thing for sure. The day will come where you are posting a rocket ship emoji on AMRN's future. All I have to do is sit back and wait!

The Share price has dropped 20% since then... Confirmation bias = "One thing I know for sure"
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07/22/23 10:06 AM

#412817 RE: oneragman #412814

Rag - It's amazing... there is an inverse correlation between the degree of share price depreciation and the increase of assurance that AMRN will be sold for double digits, even though the company is pricing in bankruptcy.

What's lost on these hopeful souls who have extrapolated visions of grandeur from what they think Sarissa's intentions are based on past involvement in a few companies in the past, is that price is king.
They forget that prices reflect everything known about the market, including fundamental factors. The company's share price represents the consensus of value of all market participants.

Right now, those participants aren't showing much value for AMRN. Where are the insider buys? If the future was so bright, don't you think hedge funds would cover and go long? Don't you think Sarissa would add to their position (unless they want it depressed)? Don't you think Denner would at least verbally attempt to defend V sales, the company, his future plans?
That he hasn't is not "perception," it's fact.

Your hypocrisy is laced with accusations of "assumptions" on the part of those who correlate the crash of price(fact) relative to probable causes, yet your confirmation bias is in itself a bigger assumption! LOL.

For example... your famous quotes:

Considering that nothing dramatic has happened here lately, I am kind of surprised how many people are panicking

= CONFIRMATION BIAS. Nothing dramatic has happened here lately? Oh, just that the price has crashed -50% since Denner took full control. Nothing to see here... it means nothing. LOL

For those who say we got played, your an idiot and time will prove me correct.


I am positive that time will prove me correct.


Every serious investor just needs to chill.

= only longs under water are 'serious investors.' Those who fade their hopes are "idiots."

For those who say we got played, your an idiot and time will prove me correct.

It's human nature to rationalize a wrong and blast those who remind us, but dang man, from a pure business standpoint, at what point does this investment become a failure (In your words, it's been a decade)?
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07/22/23 10:45 AM

#412823 RE: oneragman #412814

When the first buyback occurs, I will post a picture of myself with the breast implants I went out and got with the resulting PPS increase.
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07/24/23 9:08 AM

#412944 RE: oneragman #412814

By the way, Onerag, it's "GAAP", not "GAP", earnings.