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07/21/23 12:09 AM

#79780 RE: Tesla thru the roof #79778

TTTR : Shshsh... please

Why to remind the facts?

Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

It's human to get confused and lose the forest for the tree. Also, imagination to connect the dots is not too common. People are facing too many short term challenges... and such is life. They have a problem of what Elon is thinking about voicing bout the future.

A bit like Galileo the astronomer in Italy when he explained to the Pope that it was the Earth that rotated around the Sun and not what they were seeing with their eyes. It makes one feel that we are the center of the Universe when we gaze at the stars around in the sky. He was sent to prison for being a denier of their faith.

I hope Tesla share price goes even to lower support levels than it is right now. How about to $140?

Cheers & GLTA