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07/17/23 12:56 AM

#423137 RE: abew4me #423134

The paper cost $15 to read and a little effort. Cheap deal for avoiding guessing.


07/17/23 2:37 AM

#423150 RE: abew4me #423134

Seems like this KEM technology is best suited for the kind of cutting edge knowledge just coming out in various studies like the ones Georgie led me to today. Oddly enough we somehow already had drugs to do the kinds of things the new studies are uncovering as possible things TO DO! Seems like Fischer figured it out a while ago, maybe. But this KEM approach is perfect for testing our stuff and confirming or rejecting current speculative hypotheses in this CNS space. Thanks.


07/17/23 9:23 AM

#423182 RE: abew4me #423134


Anavex Life Sciences and Ariana Pharma Collaborate to Accelerate Timelines and Improve Efficiency
October 5, 2016

[You see, one of the first things Dr. Missling did was to follow the FDA's lead in AI now both the FDA and Anavex are using Ariana's KEM technology to analyze data. (Not bad for a German, aye?)]

Ganz Gut...IMO