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07/11/23 5:12 PM

#53464 RE: Cologne9672 #53458

What exactly is conspiratorial about the historically demonstrated fact that the OTC is cyclical and the historically demonstrated fact that the custodian/reverse merger racket can be extremely lucrative? It happens all the time.

What is conspiratorial about the fact that US brokers have locked clients out from buying Expert Market stocks despite no regulatory or legal requirement to do so? But, they will gladly accept sell orders. Does that not strike you as odd?

What is conspiratorial about the fact that CRGP was the target of a custodianship by SSM in 2021, but this was contested by former management?

What is conspiratorial about the fact that CRGP switched transfer agents from Signature to Pacific after the SSM court battle resolved? Someone that was able to demonstrate ownership/management had to authorize that change to the satisfaction of the transfer agent. It didn't just magically happen on its own.

What is conspiratorial about the fact that CRGP continues to trade shares? Sometimes large blocks of shares. Sometimes bizarre single digit transactions. Sometimes the transactions are marked as "out of sequence" or "CAP election". Sometimes there are double prints. Does this activity not strike you as odd?

And yes, there is undoubtedly something sketchy with CRGP's share count. The transfer agent says there are 900+ million shares. That may very well be true, but if shares that have been credited to client accounts are not actually in the broker inventory, then this can quickly lead to an artificial surplus of shares than is actually in existence. This creates the atmosphere for a squeeze. This may also explain why US brokers have blocked buying, but accept sell orders. If a client has 1 million shares credited to their account, but the broker does not actually have those shares, then when their client dumps those same 1 million shares, the broker is off the hook. All I know for sure is that when this ticker was active in 2021, it glided up on thin air. It did not seem like a stock with 900 million shares floating around.

These are all factual occurrences. These are the sorts of occurrences that a critically thinking speculator relies on to make bets. For some reason, there are parties that are eager to manipulate and discourage these truths though...which interests me even more as a speculator.