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07/11/23 4:03 PM

#285079 RE: 100lbStriper #285078

Very true. They brainwash over time step by step. Little by little which is death by a thousand cuts. These elites plan in 100 year increments. They know full well what they conspire today will not come to fruition in their lifetimes. But they also know that their family kin will continue those goals made. This is how evil these families are. Let's hope the alliance will finally break this world stranglehold soon. We all suffered enough and so did our past relatives. And the reason they get away with this all, not only is because of complacency, but it is also because our entire education system in America is controlled by them. They adopted the Prussian model IE the public schools. They teach our kids how to conform and be slaves, not how to think for themselves. Indoctrination basically. Too much to explain in one post. I will end this post with something to ponder... Ever question why we get taxed on wages we earn, then get taxed also when we spend it, then pay more taxes on our houses that we already bought ? We should not be paying any taxes. Only corporations pay tax. Individuals do not. But since 1871 when the U.S. became a corporation unlawfully - each person became a dead vessel lost at sea and considered an entity no different than any company. Hence, admiralty maritime law. Each of us is traded on the stock market as chattel property with our "birth certificate". We lost natural common law we once had. I know it's a lot to digest. Watch this segment below starting @ 11:15 this whistleblower of the world bank (who is dead - murdered) explains it all.