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07/11/23 11:14 AM

#422350 RE: mrplmer #422345

There is a process when it comes to peer review. It all starts with the author(s) submitting, then after the manuscript has been received it's initially screened by the editor. If it's not rejected, it's sent to X,Y,Z reviewers. They'll provide notes and there's usually an opportunity for the authors to acknowledge them and explain their findings in more detail. If the reviewers are satisfied, they'll approve for publication. If not, they'll recommend rejecting it. Ultimately it's the journal editor's final call.

Each stage can take between 2-3 months.

There are also 4 different types of submissions -- sometimes reviewers are blinded and do not know who is submitting, but with a drug like Blarcamesine everyone will know it's Anavex anyway so there's no need to shield the authors' names.