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07/09/23 8:38 AM

#607974 RE: Foogie88 #607972

I am so glad to hear this news for your friend! Good on you! To have a friend like you is and I hope will be a miracle for them. May your friend have absolutely the best kind of opportunity to treat and immense success with DCVax-L.

The Danish Dude

07/09/23 8:41 AM

#607975 RE: Foogie88 #607972

That is worth my one posting for the day.

So glad to hear for you and your friend. Best of luck to him going forward.


07/09/23 8:47 AM

#607977 RE: Foogie88 #607972

This is wonderful! So happy for you and your friend. Best wishes to your friend.


07/09/23 8:57 AM

#607979 RE: Foogie88 #607972

What a great doctor.


07/09/23 9:19 AM

#607983 RE: Foogie88 #607972

Did they freeze the tumor per your suggestion?


07/09/23 9:25 AM

#607984 RE: Foogie88 #607972

Foogie88, this response from Dr.Ashkan melt my heart thinking about your friend. Thank you.
I pray for your friend for the best outcome.


07/09/23 9:44 AM

#607986 RE: Foogie88 #607972

Foogie, I sincerely hope that your friend can get the very crucial help that Dr. Ashkan can offer.

I was also impressed that over the past years, many of Dr. Ashkan's patients who received DCVax-L, were Americans. I am also wondering whether since March 20 (after reception of the MIA), more patients from the UK, USA and Europe have been taking advantage of Dr. Ashkan's services.

We may get more information about those self pay services about a month from now, in the next 10Q.


07/09/23 9:58 AM

#607990 RE: Foogie88 #607972

Foogie88 - Now that's what it's all about my friend. The word karma seems to come up so often seemingly used loosely purposed, but if I was asked to capture its power in meaning, I would point to this instance driven by your actions. Karma is nature's score card. It's a correction mechanism, which offers anyone, at anytime, no matter who they are, or what they have or haven't done in their lives without judgement, to experience the pure bliss of helping make the life, or lives of others better, without prejudice or self thought. But it doesn't stop there, as one might believe with a single outcome or event in time, as it may appear. It ripples further, to those for example, who you initially reached out to. Their reactions, their considerations, their momentary thoughts and feelings are all significant touchpoints which have effects beyond what anyone may understand or imagine. So in a nutshell, that's what Karma is. It's one big score card, and we are all players in the game of life to have experiences. The goal in the end is to have built up as much positive Karma, as one possibly can willfully, to have fully learned the lessons of what life in the physical domain is all about, so that one can ascend to the next more spiritual plane of existence.
Although money is known to be wrapped up with the sin of greed, Karma comes into play, as we see our vested seeds bring hope, and better yet, something real, tangeable, to those like your friend, who's faces and families we will never know, but that's the beauty of karma, it's the ripple in time that lifts lives in ways we don't fully always understand, or are ever aware of. That's the beauty of Karma. It's always there, and up to each individual to embrace it.



07/09/23 10:22 AM

#607997 RE: Foogie88 #607972

Hope based on reality is awesome. Good work!


07/09/23 1:53 PM

#608036 RE: Foogie88 #607972

Dr Ashkan and Dr Liau are the most humble of ROCK STARS that neuroscience has to offer. I strive as a health care professional to achieve their level of care and expertise!