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07/07/23 4:02 AM

#607443 RE: eagle8 #607436

Right so like in purely theoretical medieval terms (from someone baked) it’s like if the evil “black knight” Sir Merck of Rahway is about to hostilely capture the beautiful princess Murcidencel of Sawston, but the slightly more handsome “white knight” Sir Bristol Myers of Squibb swoops in to “rescue her” and takes her away to come live with him under slightly more favorable terms to her mother Queen Linda Powers of Bethesda and her 50k faithful subjects???

Speaking of white knights, it sure would be nice to hear from our resident insider in shining armor Thermo… his certainty and regular posts that May and then June was THE month followed by silence for the last 5 weeks leads me to believe that either the MAA submission is imminent or that there is a delay, the reason for which he cannot risk disclosing even in Thermo code.


07/11/23 10:37 AM

#608566 RE: eagle8 #607436

When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head
Feed your head