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07/04/23 3:24 PM

#606641 RE: Poor Man - #606624


I appreciate your intelligence and witty discourse, however I beg to differ regarding the prospects for nwbo and the (albeit slow) ratcheting up of key steps accomplished.

As noted previously the share price is manipulated and as such is not a true indicator of value imho.

Okay, I’m ready for your potent response :-)
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07/04/23 9:55 PM

#606674 RE: Poor Man - #606624

Yes PoorMan, an argument could be made about anything, but yours is ridiculous. The company has been running on fumes for years, and the financial condition is no different now, than it was 6 months, a year, or two years ago. I understand though, that those who were betting that the DCVax treatment would fail, and the company would fold, are getting quite nervous, now that the company has actually succeeded where all others have failed, and the company’s fortunes are going to change.

And no, EVERYONE isn’t lying, because when the facts are on your side, you don’t have to lie. The only ones who have to lie, are the ones who need to create a false narrative that DCVax doesn’t work, and the company is going to go bankrupt. But it’s getting more difficult to spread Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt, the more that the TRUTH comes out.
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07/04/23 10:31 PM

#606678 RE: Poor Man - #606624

Discovery is a bitch PM! LOL…LOL….LOL…
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07/04/23 11:36 PM

#606688 RE: Poor Man - #606624

There are no legitimate debates about the company’s solvency. As Hyperopia indicates and I agree, not only is it not worse than it was over recent years, they are literally walking toward a likely approval. There are no doubt traders who want to leave their money off to the side until approval, and buy them and they do not want to have to buy back in at a higher cost, so we will see these arguments as a means to an end. But the reality is, the solvency is not currently an issue. They operate with not a lot of cash generally though to not do a huge cash draw at any one time. But they also seem to have had ready sources who ponied up cash as they needed it. So, there is always inherent risk in any biotech and always a potential for total and complete loss. That is normal in this sector at this level. But the reality is they had a successfully competed major, landmark trial, and they have consistently, successfully completed regulatory milestones in anticipation of their application for full approval.

I think it is interesting that just after UCLA’s PR suggesting that approval could be soon… there is this sudden set of claims about insolvency and never applying, etc.

“FDA approvals may move UCLA brain cancer and Alzheimer’s treatments from bench to bedside

Glioblastoma and Alzheimer’s disease treatments advance through clinical trials.”'s%20disease%20treatments%20advance%20through%20clinical%20trials.&text=A%20personalized%20vaccine%20developed%20by,aggressive%20form%20of%20brain%20cancer.
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07/04/23 11:38 PM

#606689 RE: Poor Man - #606624

Yeah, let's just roll over a say "BK" after a 17-year run that has an exclamation point on last 4 years -- wrap your brain around this!!:
SAP developement, submssion and approval by all RAs in 4 countries, Data Lock, facilities build-outs (continuing in US and UK, oh!! and near FedEx hubs), compassionate use continuing (357 patients to date with more coming, treating multiple cancers), TLD (effective Phase III trial results with OS (people are actually alive, not a statistical view into future) -- 2.5 times better than just SOC, with no side effects -- DOH!! PIP approved (without us knowing it was even submitted--yep, believe it or not!) with same trial design for children -- phases I/II/III soon to start. JAMA published (but, no, that would never happen--LMFAO!). MIA approved with global exportation included (needed MAA "process reviewed and accptable to happen" -- just the messenger boyz and girlz!!), DCVax platform now determined likely to be effective for all cancers, viruses and diseases in humans and animals (agnostic designation on horizon--never happen?? wait and see!!). Trial's Princ investgators (Liau and Ashkan), two of the top internationally renowned and respected Neurosugeons in the world -- touting DCVax at every venue--really!! International trial (US, Canada, UK, Germany and Europe -- 80+ location with 330+ participants -- do they know the ropes -- oh yeah!!). Combo trials showing unbelievable (50-60%) survival results with drugs whose patent's are expiring soon -- our patents, golden!! Liau's recent one-hour presentation in China touts effectiveness, safety and capability to treat all cancers and she is making on-going improvements, as we speak!! One of her best presentation IMO and more to come!! Nuff said!!!!!????? Now I'm tired -- nite, nite!!
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07/05/23 2:15 AM

#606700 RE: Poor Man - #606624

Liars want to believe everyone is lying.... I dont lie personally and when I look around and see who I hang with I notice these people dont only not lie... they go out of theyre way to help others.
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The Danish Dude

07/05/23 2:25 AM

#606702 RE: Poor Man - #606624

And remember, everyone is lying.

Oh, ain't that the truth.

Yeah always blame the management. Ain't that a winner!

Because its not like we are drowning in evidence about Market Makers intervention in share price manipulation since at least 2016 and NWBO trying to counter it right?

Let's take a stroll down memory lane.

Smith on Stocks wrote this article in 2016, and go down to the headline "The Short Selling Attack on Northwest" (see that content posted further down in this post).

5 months before that article, NWBO hired Cofer Black as an independent director, who commented with this:

"I look forward to utilizing my expertise in helping the Company protect its technology and operations."


"In January 2016 Black became an independent director of publicly traded biotechnology company Northwest Biotherapeutics (NWBO) to investigate the market manipulation of the company's stock by the hedge fund "wolfpack". The wolfpack and others use naked shorting of stock to drive promising young biotechs toward bankruptcy or to the point where they need to raise capital at extremely low valuations from the wolfpack themselves."

Compare to now, 7 years later in light of Cofer Black being hired in 2016.

Cohen and Millstein takes on lawsuit case against 7 Market Makers due to spoofing for more than 5 years. Hoffmann has impeccably covered the spoofing trading data provided by Cohen and Millstein.

There's not a shred of doubt, WHAT Cofer Black was hired to do for NWBO and that he delivered on that, when Cohen and Millstein took the case on contingence and announced it December 1st. 2022. Since then NWBO have FURTHER added to the amount of spoofing data evidence, since the Market Makers have continued to spoof after that date.

March 5th. - Why spoofing is taken seriously by the SEC

April 4th

April 11th

April 12th - Nobel prize-winning economist Prof. Paul Milgrom cited in $NWBO's 1st Amended Complaint, that each spoofing incident can have a permanent price impact and that the impact is cumulative for the 2,849 spoofing incidents

May 31st. - Market Makers admitting spoofing

June 2nd. - Market Maker G1 looking to settle before spoofing

Now let's look closer at that scenario. If this went down, that some of the Market Makers actually admits guilt and wants to settle beforehand. What will that signal regarding Citadel and Virtu?


June 15th - Rule 11 down the drain. Oups there went our defense

Smith on Stocks article "The Short Selling Attack in Northwest"


PS: Great articles that also contains "good reasons for blaming the management", can be found here: