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07/03/23 12:17 PM

#309987 RE: pennypauly #309791

when is the covering starting and what are the strong catalysts for the covering, that is what I have been asking. We don't see any as yet. JMHO
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07/03/23 3:45 PM

#310046 RE: pennypauly #309791

Can you please specify who will be covering the 4+ Billion Dollar naked short DBMM shares.

It is certainly not going to be Alpine or Kramers as they don't have the funds to do so, so are you referring to the DTCC to cover the mess. But will they cover, is the BIG QUESTION.

Assuming DBMM covering starts at 10 cents upto $1, that is an
average of 55 cents, as computed below:
(0.10 + 0.20 + 0.30 + 0.40 + 0.50 + 0.60 + 0.70 + 0.80 + 0,90 + 1) / 10 = 0.55 (55 Cents)

Why would DTCC take a 0.55 * 4 Billion = $2.2 Billion Dollar HIT, to cover the 4 Billion DBMM naked short shares. The DTCC also may not cover at all and DBMM will not be able to do anything about it.

Am I missing something that you know, that makes you so confident when you say

I feel we will be above a dollar a share after the third week of covering the 4 billion plus naked shares

I would love to hear your DD/thoughts/analysis.

Thanks JMHO