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06/30/23 2:27 PM

#309522 RE: THall #309520

Really? So everyone that’s been here for years holding , was just nearly .04 and still we are holding, well guess it’s time to sell for no
CE dropped
Sec OIP dropped
Open trading and at highs year over year
And now we are all gonna sell?

It’s so funny it’s kinda scary if one believes that!!
Altogether Senseless theory based on nothing.
Not u like most the predictions here. But all the same.

The market and dbmms case has never been so good.
No we longs won’t be going anywhere until alpine , the Kramers , or the dtcc starts paying for their mistakes.

Dollar land is coming and it’s sooner than you expect.


06/30/23 2:31 PM

#309525 RE: THall #309520

LINK? More time to accumulate shares, evaluate the Q fins and wait for new company updates!!

GUILTY, Your ALPINE country ass is EXPELLED FOREVER! Then ..... wait for it ..... DBOOOOOOOOOOOM! ;-)

ALPINE case could be decided in weeks! Final appeals filed 06/20 and court case won’t last long! Top off your tanks folks! We are going to see if the NSS is for real ... I hope the DTCC is ready to PAY UP!


Cheers, Red


06/30/23 2:36 PM

#309527 RE: THall #309520

I highly doubt that. Thinking, just thinking btw, that something else may just happen before that time. Little birdys whispering. But hey, could be wrong