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06/30/23 4:19 PM

#180643 RE: MAGA_PATRIOT #180627

It could be the other way around;

450mm cash going to company to fund everything so they won’t need to worry about money again. Peace of mind which will translate to confidence at the negotiation table for other deals in near future.

The dividend comes from ENZC’s ownership shares of saga. For example, saga’s stakeholders giving 450mm for 40% ownership of saga (made up by 2 subs), then enzc owns the other 60%. 60% of saga is 60mm shares. Then us enzc investors get dividends from this pool of 60mm shares. Be nice if it all goes to us investors, but hopefully at least 30mm saga shares. We don’t get that 450mm money whatsoever, that’s to fund all projects.

Lastly, it’s quite strange that some worry about enzc shares. I am sure management can’t be that foolish. They own the most enzc shares. I think rockie mentioned it’s self sabotaging the most if they don’t take care of enzc. I thought of this and glad Rockie confirmed it. All in all, this is why it’s crucial to trust the people we invest in and their moves. We trust that they’re for us and smarter with this particular matter, or else why bother putting our money at risk. No matter how great an idea, management has to be incredible enough to execute and carry it through, which I completely believe is the case with this team.