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06/29/23 6:03 AM

#285054 RE: gdog #285053

No need my friend. You don't need to apologize. I was ignorant too years ago. For example, I used to think that planes brought down the twin towers just as the media told us. Used to argue with people on Yahoo forums. That was until I learned the facts. Now I know that I was wrong about that incident. So being ignorant is not a bad thing. It only means you do not know the truth of a particular subject or matter. And you can always learn. You are an intelligent person. And I commend the fact that you can admit when you are wrong. I do the same as well. We were all taught lies from our public schools up through the media and mainstream news. So it is not easy to discern what is fact and what is fake.
Now this is the first step forward of a new understanding of our reality. You will be able to see through the lies as time goes on that are spewed to us all daily by those at this time still broadcasting and teaching them to the masses. The alphabet news like ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, or those search results that come up on google like newsweek, snopes, fact checkers, etc. in the first several pages. These are all the liars keeping the masses dumbed down. As of now, the truth will be silenced and hidden and it takes an effort to seek it out. Independent real journalists do the heavy lifting for us. And there are plenty out there. One name that comes to mind is James O'Keefe. We must pray for him and others to keep them safe from the enemies of humanity. Satan is the father of deceit. Precisely what regular news media does at all times. Yes, removing the Bible and God was detrimental to society. That was the first step and they took God out of schools in 1962. The snowball effect began.
So in closing my friend, because I could go on and on with what I know these days.... I just want to say that it is my job to inform as many people as possible about the battle we face, and the facts I know. How the world truly exists. The truth is what I tell as I have done my part in Gods eyes. What others do with the facts is up to them. We all have free will. But this battle right now is between good and evil. Principalities and righteousness. We will win. But it may get worse before it gets better. Welcome to the team. History will prove you took sides correctly. Lucifer will always lose because our Savior Jesus always is victorious. Spread the word to others my friend. God Bless.