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06/28/23 1:53 AM

#21192 RE: trip01fun #21191


“If you know the enemy and you know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle”

Real history. Ours hasnt been
“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle”

Ukraine is 4 a reason.
Why would THE FBI not know that MARK MILLER IS ACTUALLY MARK KILCHESKY and it was Kilchesky that hijacked ECMH?
Strange it only lasted bout 7 days til he resigned his FAKE POSITION.
Lotsa deception in that case.
They all want it ta go away real bad.
“All warfare is based on deception.”

SEC and FBI / DOJ have been on the fake id MILLER case since 2017.
Those 3 got big issues right now.
Wait 4 it. Wait 4 it .
WAIT MY ASS. Those kids here in S.F. r happenin right now.
They wanna play? So b it.
Most believe the sht I post aint real.
More and more know it is.
Anger may in time change to gladness… But a kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being”
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06/30/23 10:41 AM

#21193 RE: trip01fun #21191

That makes doin DD tough

Funny how folks buy inta the bullsht and then use it ta prove some point.
It's like a big bullsht pool available 4 clueless idiots.
Ya ever look inta OVER REPRESENTATION?
Lets say there was a group that represented 2% of the population but controlled 80% of policy and law makers. Say the same group controlled the courts.
Now toss in that this small group has a stated agenda ta destroy all but themselves.
Think that should concern folks?
Probably a good idea ta read and understand that agenda.

Heres an example of what I'm sayin.
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06/30/23 3:51 PM

#21194 RE: trip01fun #21191

Roger dat, Trip

Takin care a business and TAKIN OUT the trash.
Right here at homebase.

Program (FAP) arrived in Alameda to gently interview the traumatized children, ages 8-16, 31 boys and 32 girls, all of whom the slavers captured after the Dubai Brilliance dropped anchor in San Francisco Bay on June 12. White Hats did not surrender them to the federal government’s child welfare services because those agencies are complicit in child sex crimes.
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07/01/23 5:47 PM

#21200 RE: trip01fun #21191


e transcribed the main part of the video below:

I heard about an amazing story from a minister friend of mine who lives there. In fact, today he was sharing with me the details of a private (US Army) Green Beret walking into his church and they were discussing whether or not the issue of sexual slavery, children being used in sexual slavery came up. And he mentioned that there were barges in a certain body of water, and if I remember correctly, it was off the coast of California. That’s why I was actually brought closer to San Francisco Bay. That there were certain barges on which sex slaves were placed.

Well, it just so happened (it) was shared with him some time ago and yesterday he shared this information with a good friend of his who was a high ranking Navy SEAL.

They are calling him this morning, as I will remind you that it was yesterday. He gets a call this morning. And, actually, he was in the middle of another, I don’t know if it was a Skype call or what, but his phone kept ringing and ringing and ringing. So, finally, he gets out of there. He takes the call. It was a senior Navy SEAL who was on the other line, and he said, “I want to thank you on behalf of the 807 children that we rescued at 0:30 this morning, very early, before dawn, from the barge, about which you said, which you shared with me, there in the bay.

And he says to him: “Are you pulling me by the chain?” He said, “No, sir.” He said, “I would never.” He said, “But I only told you about it yesterday.” He said, “24 hours later, a story I heard about a few months ago, and you’re telling me you organized a rescue and went and investigated it?” And he said, “You’re talking about the best of the best in the world.” And he said, “I took what you said very seriously.” He said, “I’ve assembled a team.” He said, “We went to the place you told us about. We did find the barges. There were several barges there, and on one of these barges we found 807 children. They were used as sex slaves,” he said. . “And yes, we were able to save them.”