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06/20/23 10:40 PM

#603374 RE: Maverick0408 #603373


“Giving pembrolizumab and ATL-DC vaccine may work better in treating patients with glioblastoma compared to ATL-DC alone.”


06/20/23 11:27 PM

#603379 RE: Maverick0408 #603373

There is no doubt that other therapeutics work better, but only when added to DCVax-L, but I really don't believe they're waiting for more trials to prove it. I still believe it's all about commercial production and they're not yet willing to commit to manual production, so it's all about getting the EDEN unit approved.

Establishing more cleanrooms in Sawston may prove sufficient to add Europe to the UK, but I hardly believe that it can take in the US and Canada. I've got to believe those small cleanrooms are adaptable to supporting several EDEN units. I don't know if they would ever knock out the walls to make substantially larger cleanrooms.

As for whether this is being done under Orbis, or any other special protocol, if not I don't know why they're hesitating to go to the UK where they have an approval to make the vaccine commercially with manual techniques in the cleanrooms. It was suggested to me that they could use isolated gloved boxes that may permit several vaccines to be made in a single room and wouldn't require changing in moving from one batch to another, but I don't know if that is being done.

I certainly don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if Dr. Liau or others may discover a half dozen or more therapeutics that when added to DCVax-L achieve dramatically better results. DCVax-L is opening the door to making these drugs work better.


Poor Man -

06/21/23 12:14 AM

#603382 RE: Maverick0408 #603373

That’s a well constructed theory to explain the round shiny objects that have been thrown anround over the past couple of weeks. I’ll buy-in should this delay extend another few weeks without any news.

But my theory for now is the shiny objects are meant to soften the reaction to the announcement of a BP deal that will be for a value less than expected. We’ve heard speculation in connection with a license centered arrangement that includes a large multiple $ billion upfront payment.

If a license deal along with a listing brings the share price to let’s say $5 to $6, that would be a very nice bump from where everything stands right now at 60 cents — I’d be pretty excited for anything over $2 to $3 per share; so not looking a gift horse in the mouth. However, a valuation in the lower ranges is also well below expectation for a share price north of $10 to $15, which is where I thought we’d be late last year.

I tend to believe the communication strategy is to couple the license arrangement with Xmas ornaments to offset some of the possible disappointment, and to maintain shareholder interest to discourage profit taking. If you’re a company listing, then you don’t want shareholders selling at the same time; in effect, selling into a rally.

I do believe we’re getting close, just because they would otherwise have completed another round of financing by now. Doesn’t seem to make sense to wait and let the company’s cash balance run to nearly zero if the approval and/or BP deal is not planned until much later in 2023. But we’ll know shortly, one way or the other.

And just as a reminder — everyone is lying. And if everybody doesn’t believe me by now, they should.


06/21/23 12:32 AM

#603384 RE: Maverick0408 #603373

I don’t give any of the strange theories including those you just gave much thought. They are going the traditional route. There is no way they are waiting on a hardly along phase 2 combination trial.

All of the outlier theories are baloney. This is, if it hasn’t already been submitted, then it is headed for application and approval at any moment, this year. IMHO And no, you don’t just file right away as some suggest here repeatedly, after this or that related application. These applications can take months and yes years even without the issues NWBO had already resolved, like the commercial manufacturing license.


06/21/23 1:42 AM

#603385 RE: Maverick0408 #603373

Your theories are random BS, especially the idea that all the random bullish theories that abound on this MB are originating from NWBO as shiny objects to distract longs.

The great success rates in the combination trials are a very good reason to reinforce the belief that dc-vax has huge commercial value and that the RAs need to approve it, but it's nonsense to think that NWBO is planning to wait until they can use the combination trials as the pivotal trials to get dc-vax approved. It needs to be approved stand-alone as the first step forward in commercialization and I have no doubt that is what they will do and not because anybody from NWBO has whispered anything in my ear. This is very basic stuff.

WRT your ranting that the shares are going to trade down to .40, I'm sure Tuesdays action encouraged your delusional thinking. Anything is possible - the markets in general could melt down with all bids getting pulled. But waiting for a more ridiculously cheap price is the best way to lose the opportunity to buy at what already is a ridiculously cheap price. At this point on any given day (except maybe Fridays), it's hardly unlikely for MAA application to be announced and then you'd have to chase the stock up or wait and wait and hope that the short sellers can collapse the price again.

Any kind of trading game is possible to try if you're into trading, but for anybody who recognizes what Dc-Vax is really worth and wants to own shares to make a few dollars or more, they'd be pretty foolish to wait imo. Disclosure: FWIW I last added to my position recently at .53 and .61.