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06/15/23 10:15 AM

#285017 RE: Wayne R #285016

I'm sure China has already claimed it. Maybe you could buy a few square miles of beach front property on Europa. 👍


06/16/23 4:17 PM

#285019 RE: Wayne R #285016

Get elected to Congress. Every one of them should serve life in Leavenworth or worse. Including all previous and the Supreme Court and don't forget the Executive branch. The whole system. It is a cesspool of enemy combatants that enslaved the People and violated their oaths and the Constitution. Law enforcement too at every level are corrupt. Every Dept. created that has no business existing and is unconstitutional - period. All the alphabet agencies. It's one big evil cancer on the People. We're not supposed to live like this. Work for 30+ years paying taxes and bills slaving all your time away only to get old and be too sick to enjoy any money saved or the little time left. ALL public servants should be fired immediately. The system is and was broken for the last 152 years. Trump was the only outsider who did not belong to the Club. That is why everyone else attacked him every day since the first day and to this day ! P.S. the Federal Reserve CREATED Inflation, recessions and depressions. All by design ! Wake up everyone ! It was a planned soft tyranny from the evil families all along. No one is free or prosperous until these bloodlines are removed from the planet. They are the same kin from the Cain offspring.