So what if they also filed an annual report alongside the 10-12g, would that be enough to keep it off expert market while it still has a missing verified profile? All the rules I’ve read say that a pink limited ticker needs to have a verified profile within the last 6 months and an annual report on a period ending within the last 16 months. The only time a company doesn’t need a verified profile is if they’re SEC reporting, which they aren’t and don’t have enough time to get before the grace period deadline. The latest annual report was February 2022, so that should still be within the deadline, but the verified profile is past due. I don’t think Tucker is able to access OTCIQ so he has no way of verifying the profile. Even if they filed audited fins would that be enough to stay off EM in your opinion? Or since they can’t get the VP there’s nothing they can do anyways.