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Dr Bala

06/11/23 4:31 PM

#600492 RE: OncoJock #600491

He makes a lot of assertions of scientific fact in this slide deck which are new and potentially groundbreaking.

It is routine protocol to gain the nod of all the involved Drs to present these assertions. Dr. Bosch is not going to present these assertions without going through an internal review process. The publications may come later on.


06/11/23 4:39 PM

#600495 RE: OncoJock #600491


It strikes me you are conjuring up a new frivolous angle to attack NWBO.


06/11/23 5:36 PM

#600517 RE: OncoJock #600491

No, the company will likely have clear studies from credible data and sources probably from the trial and other sources to assert these things to the regulators. As an investor one can decide to take anything “seriously” or not, but it has no real substantial meaning. It’s just a phrase. But the reality is, they would not say these things if they were not backed up.

Further I believe they have been measuring some of these things discussed all along and have made reference to it all vaguely, over the years in different contexts and presentations. I believe Dr. Liau had even referred to the various antigens they have discovered off-handedly, in some of her presentations commenting, for instance, on CMV a number of times.

I expect this is all very well documented. It just was not necessary or relevant for the JAMA publication.

Most companies, big and small will have such data collected and yes, they are expected to be truthful with their regulators and that will be the same whether it is MRK or NWBO.

ae kusterer

06/11/23 6:13 PM

#600526 RE: OncoJock #600491

OncoJock : If a partnership or buyout is destined to happen within 30 days of MAA approval(8/1/23), there is not time for a peer review journal to be published. The big boys have all the data they need to make their decisions.But the BODs will want to see the MAA granted before writing the big checks.

Additionally, regarding (" I also know there's a big difference between an assertion of fact in a promotional slide deck meant to appeal to investors and industry at a major medical meeting and an assertion of fact in an original research manuscript published in a top-tier medical journal") , I believe the intended audience for the talk and slidedeck is threefold: 1) the 10 biggest biotech-pharma companies in the world who are in the process of contemplating bidding or partnering . , 2) the major regulators in the world, 3) and lastly, all the oncology thought leaders in the world.

Re: muee88 post# 600305

Sunday, June 11, 2023 4:24:33 PM

of 600525
Muee8, I can see your point and perhaps I chose my words poorly.

I am sorry. I will try again.

To your point, yes, the topic of the presentation is biomedicine, especially immunology and the mechanism of action of a dendritic cell vaccine. Since that is undoubtedly a scientific topic, I must concede you were right and I was wrong.

However.... the type of "science" I'm talking about is the type where a scientist conducts an experiment, makes a discovery, and then submits his or her findings to a journal that is edited by other researchers in the same field, and those researchers are tasked with evaluating the quality of the research, the accuracy of the findings, and also the originality of the contribution to the field.

Then the journal hands the manuscript over to trained and skilled sub-editors who prepare the work for publication. A great deal of value is added during this process, and it help explain why certain high-impact journals like New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Nature Medicine, etc. are so highly regarded and widely read. (And also why you must pay to subscribe!)

Peer review and publication also affect the credibility of the research. If something is published in the NEJM, for example, it is regarded as more highly credible, and therefore more impactful, than something published in a journal no one has ever heard about or read.

And the reason for all this, by the way, is the advancement of science, which as many who read posts on this board know, comes from the Latin word scientia, which means knowledge, or to know.

So... back to Marnix Bosch and his ASCO presentation. He makes a lot of assertions of scientific fact in this slide deck which are new and potentially groundbreaking. Since I'm a shareholder in NW Bio, I hope they're all true. But, as a reader of many articles in peer-reviewed medical journals, I also know there's a big difference between an assertion of fact in a promotional slide deck meant to appeal to investors and industry at a major medical meeting and an assertion of fact in an original research manuscript published in a top-tier medical journal. This is why I wrote that the slide deck is unscientific.

This is also why I'm hesitant to assign the same degree of credibility to the facts in Marnix Bosch's slide deck as I am to the facts published in an article in NEJM or Nature Medicine or Journal of Clinical Oncology, JAMA Oncology, Lancet Oncology, etc.

It also explains why I'm super-hesitant to use these facts as a foundation upon which to build high-stakes, multi-billion-dollar commercial development scenarios based on dendritic cell vaccines becoming the new cure, or even just a new treatment, for all types of solid tumors not just GBM, and then for lots of other disease types not just cancer. That just seems to much of a stretch, at east for this shareholder.

If you wish to remain super-excited and enthusiastic, that's your prerogative. I'm trying to remain a bit more grounded, down-to-earth, and level-headed.

Best wishes,

-- OJ


06/11/23 8:38 PM

#600545 RE: OncoJock #600491

OJ - Sorry, but the cats out of the bag. BP runs the FDA and the Journals:

There's no comeback after a takedown of this nature. Under oath with references. You can't have it both ways. You can't say it's corruption just some of the time. I choose Bosch's integrity any day of the week against alleged honest peer reviews.


The Danish Dude

06/12/23 8:45 AM

#600600 RE: OncoJock #600491

This is also why I'm hesitant to assign the same degree of credibility to the facts in Marnix Bosch's slide deck as I am to the facts published in an article in NEJM

How lucky then, that NWBO has two ongoing clinical trials ongoing at UCLA, one which has been running since 2010 in combo with poly-iclc and a SPORE trial with Keytruda, which Linda Liau has claimed have results during presentations of around 50-65% efficacy.

And then we have the Al Musella webinar with Liau, and a Q&A being censored by an unknown intermediary.

So its not that we are in need for any scientific qualifying of what Marnix Bosch presented to believe NWBO is about to become the biggest to hit cancer treatment for 3 decades.

We already have that.

But if what dr. Bosch presented will be scientifically corroborated, well then we'll have to do some further mulplying.


06/12/23 8:49 AM

#600601 RE: OncoJock #600491

Your uneducated opinion means zero.


06/12/23 8:58 AM

#600604 RE: OncoJock #600491

It's as LC has believed all along...Research for researches sake with handsome salaries and really nice perks like building private CDMO's with public cash.

"Slow walking waiting for other trials." Also as LC has said here many times. To either bolster L or lay it to rest. Either way it works out just not for retail.

>>Experimental vaccine shows promise in delaying the return of aggressive brain tumor
The vaccine, called SurVaxM, was shown to nearly double the survival time in a trial of 63 patients. Researchers now hope to confirm the findings in a larger trial.