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06/11/23 3:28 PM

#600479 RE: hankmanhub #600453

hankman - Anytime. I have to say, you're level of interest in the subject exceeds my own by far. BUT, if we are to consider the overarching takeaway, with all the intricacies of immune memory, I'd offer this in stark contrast: A naive populace was sold snake oil. It was peddled by a guy who bought his software code for $35,000 to start his company. It was funded by his corrupt Rothschild bloodline. Who then later founded a foundation, which was used to launder tax free money in order to fund shady backroom research. Then used
his billions to foster complex international bribe schemes. This same quack would have us believe that his vial filled with stuff, which required a court order to reveal, could somehow live up to the brilliance and elegance of God's biological creation, DCs, to be kind is dumbfounding. So yeah, I'm proud to be invested in scientific integrity, and not bought and paid for news anchor hyperbole. It's LInda Lau who should be all over the headlines and not psycho self proclaimed frankenstein Bill Gates and his minions. Just my two cents.



06/12/23 2:11 AM

#600569 RE: hankmanhub #600453

Hank, When you have undersood what this tome actually says in words of 1 syllable, you'll have to find out what has changed in the knowledge of the subject over the 20+ years since this was written!!

Good Luck (you'll need it).