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02/20/07 11:06 AM

#93295 RE: robopro #93293

robo Friday would be the 4th Business Day. They could PR the UPS loan after close even. Can't call Steve as he won't be back or answering his phone until Wednesday.


02/20/07 11:19 AM

#93300 RE: robopro #93293

Robo, they might wait until money is in the bank before considering it a material event.

It is the same they did for the first Nexim loan. The signing was on May 22 and funded on May 31 according to 8K “On May 31, 2006, Nigerian Export-Import Bank (NEXIM) funded a direct loan to our wholly-owned subsidiary” the news was released on June 1.


02/20/07 11:34 AM

#93311 RE: robopro #93293

Rob:- I don't believe that at all. If the finance was signed sealed and delivered that PR would be out in a heartbeat, there's also no pps/volume movement to suggest there's a done deal either and why would chassman be selling last week if she knew next week she could sell at '.06'.

This is the first one this year that I have 'fell' for, my DD was obviously flawed because had I looked at it in the cold light of day I would have seen the one glaring red flag that would have hit me in the face, after all this time why hasn't Pandey been able to bring this to market before now? Something is not right.

Someone asked a question as to why aren't private enterprises queing up to provide finance if it's such a sure fire winner and the answers must be
1) Pandey is too greedy and would prefer 100% of nothing rather than 50% of something (however idiots like us are still providing him with a salary every year)
2) The facts of Nicosan aren't what they seem
3) Pandey has pissed of some very influential people who are determined to undermine XKEM. (whether that be politicians or big pharma both wield considerably more power than xkem).
4)XKEM management are inept and incompetent.

There are several other answers that could be listed but at the end of the day I don't care WHAT the reasons are I only care that my money has been stagnant for 6 months and I'm really hacked off with myself for falling for the 'potential' of XKEM instead of sticking to facts.

Oh well luckily my wake up call has come early this year! GLTYA